
Road to Revolution-Carissimi

  • Period: to


  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 was after the French/Indian war. The proclamation Stated that there would no longer be any westward expansion in the thirteen colonies. The Proclomation was mainly aimed at the Native Americans because it also stated that anyone who was in Indian terrtiory, was to abandon it, The colonists were very upset with this because they thought that the Ohio river valley would be an important place to farm, due to its ferit soil.
  • The sugar act of 1764

    The sugar act of 1764
    A law that increased the tax on sugar, wine, and other goods. Britain placed these taxes due to the fact that they needed money quickly to help pay for extra security in the colonies. Britain also hoped that this would make the Colonists want to sell more goods to them instead of other countries. Colonists were furious about this tax.
  • Currency act of 1764

    Currency act of 1764
    The british passed the currency act where they basically took control over the colonial currency system. This act also banned the use of paper money in all colonies. The colonists strongly disagreed and protested with the British over this by not trading with them. They were upset because they had no say in the taxes being passed.
  • Quartering act of 1765

    Quartering act of 1765
    The quarteringa act of 1765 was a tax that was put into play to help provide supplies for birtish soldiers. This required for certain colonies to provide homes for the British troops. The colonists were required to supply food, a bed, clothes etc. The colonists were furious that they had to share their homes to troops.
  • Stamp act congress

    Stamp act congress
    The colonists were extremely upset with the newly enforced stamp act. In New York 27 colonists from 9 colonis had a meeting where they wrote down all of the problems that they had with the stamp act. The English ignored this and, there was very little effect from this outcry in America.
  • Stamp act of 1765

    Stamp act of 1765
    The stamp act was the tax imposed on the colonies to help gain money for the millitary. The stamp act was the requirement of paper products that were stamped. The prime minister who made this tax thought it was fair while the colonists strongly disagreed.
  • Declaratory act of 1766

    Declaratory act of 1766
    This act reafirmed England's abillities to bind the colonies. This came due to the fact that the Colonists protested the Stamp act. In retalliation, the Colonists melted a statue of King George for bullets.
  • Townshend act of 1767

    Townshend act of 1767
    Charles townshend made these acts. This was a tax on glass, paint, lead, paper, and tea. These were passed to make a distiction between internal, and external taxes. These taxes were forced to be payed at American ports. Agreemetns in the colonies were quickly made and sent to England to protest these Acts.