Revolutionary war

The Revolutionary War

By KJacob
  • Mollasses act

    Mollasses act
    This act was made because merchants were smuggling mollases and other luxury goods into the colonies without paying the six-pence tax. The British navy was beefed up and they eventually sopped smuggling.
  • The very start of the French and Indian war?

    The very start of the French and Indian war?
    French troops from Canada march south; seize and fortify the Ohio Valley. Britain protests the invasion and claims Ohio for itself. This is where tensions began and soon there was fighting.
  • The French and Indian war (The Seven Years War)

    The French and Indian war (The Seven Years War)
    This war was abattle or land between the French, British, and Indians. It started with the scalping of a french ambassador. This war was also called the Seven Years War and was so spread out that it was even fought in places like India.
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    The French and Indian war (The Seven Years war)

    This is a useful resource about the war! French and Indian War was a fight between the French and the English for territory. George Washington went into the Ohio region and stumbled upon the French. A massacre followed. Then the Half King scalped one of the French ambassadors. This is what triggered the war.
  • The French take Fort Necessity

    The French take Fort Necessity
    The French Attacked Washingtons fort that the British had built in a hurry because they needed a fort to hold off the French. The British named the fort Fort Necessity because they needed it at the time. Sadly the British had had the fort way to close to the trees and the French were able to fire their guns and stay hidden at the same time. Washington surrendered the fort after 1/3 of his men had died.
  • Braddock gets shot and loses the battle of Monongahela

    Braddock gets shot and loses the battle of Monongahela
    General Braddock and his men tried to march over the Forks of Ohio to take it over, but they were met with a steady forceof Indians and French. Almost all the men died and Braddock was shot. He died three days later. Of the 54 women that marched with Braddock that day, only 4 survived.
  • Great Britain declares war on France

    Great Britain declares war on France
    The British Declare war eventhough they have been fighting against the French for the past 2 years.
  • The French surrender Quebec

    The French surrender Quebec
    The French surrendered Quebec aftr a clever invasion by the British on the plains of Abraham.
  • The end of the French and Indian war

    The end of the French and Indian war
    This is a great link to find out more about the Frenc and Indian war. The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian war.The treaty was signed by Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763
    Ths act did not allow settlers to settle to settle past a line near the Appalachian Mountains. The goal was to establish a good relationship with the Indians.
  • Sugar act

    Sugar act
    This act was also known as The American Revenue Act of 1764.
    The Parliment reduced the tax of luxury goods to three-pence, but the put taxes on more luxury goods, such as sugar. This act was important because it was one of the first British taxations tworads the Colonists. This act was important because it led up to the Boston Tea party
  • The currency act

    The currency act
    This act was invented by the British Parliament and did not allow the colonists to use any other money than British money. It also did not allow any new money to be made. This law was issued mainly because the colonists started to print their own money because there was no law that said the couldn't do so.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    his act was part of the attempt to pay off the massive Seven Years War bill. Everything that was printed, including playing cards, was taxed!
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    This act forced colonists to house, feed, and supply British soldiers. An expansion of this act folowed in 1776, which allowed British soldiers to travel through and house in taverns. They could also occupy houses that no one lived in. If the person refused to house the soldiers, they would get shot or their house would be burned down.
  • The stamp act congress

    The stamp act congress
    The stamp act was a group of people who were rying to organize a protest a revolt against the British taxes. The met in
    New york in 1765.
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    The stap act congress meetings

  • Declaration of independence

    Declaration of independence
    a great link to learn more This was a declaration adopted by the contenential congress. I was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and expressed the feelings of the colonists. I also said they wanted to be independent. This was the first big event leading to the Revelutionary War.
  • Townshend act

    Townshend act
    This act put taxes on oil, lead, glass,tea,paint, and paper. It was part of an effort to raise 40,000 euros a year for the British.
  • The boston Massacre

    The boston Massacre
    A group of British soilders fired on a crown after being bet by the crowd. John Adams defended them in court and no punishment was served.
  • The Tea act

    The Tea act
    The Tea act is said to have been the inal spark to the start of the American Revolution. The act was where the British said that the only tea the colonists could by was British tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Colonists were mad that they had to pay taxes, so they dressed up as Indians and dumped 342 chests of British tea into the ocean. This was on of the first protests against the British.
  • The Intolerable acts

    The Intolerable acts
    learn more!The Intolerable acts were made because the king was angry at the colonists for dumping tea into the harbor.
    The Boston Port Bill
    • The Quartering Act ( of 1774)
    The massachusetts government act
    The Administratin of justice act.
    The qubec act
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    The Intolerable acts

  • The Continential Congress

    The Continential Congress
    The first Continental Congress met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, from September 5, to October 26, 1774. Carpenter's Hall was also where the Pennsylvania Congresswas based. All of the colonies except Georgia sent representatives. These were elected by the the resident of the state.
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    The Revelutionary war

    A war between the colonists and the British that would shape America!
  • The battle of Lexington and Concord

    The battle of Lexington and Concord
    The Battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles of the American Revolutionary War.They were between British soldiers, who wanted to take away the colonists' weapons and arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams, and American colonists. They were fought in towns outside Boston, Massachusetts. This was supposedly the first battle of the Revelutionary War.
  • The second contenential congress

    The second contenential congress
    The Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania starting in May of 1775. They met for a year. It was made up of representatives from all 13 colonies. On July 4, 1776 the Congress approved the Declaration of Independence.
  • Battle of Bunker hill

    Battle of Bunker hill
    American soldiers were instructed to go to Bunker hill to bombard the British. Instead they went to Breeds hill. The americans still held off the attack and they killed 1,540 men before perishing.
  • The crossing of the Delaware

    The crossing of the Delaware
    Washington crossed the Delaware river and caught British soldiers by surprise. Sinceit was Christmas Eve, the British were not expecting an attack. Washingtons men triumphed. This was a major victory!