Boston tea party 3

Rodriguez Road to Revolution Project

By trodd21
  • The French & Indian War (B)

    The French & Indian War (B)
    two colonies. It was mostly the British merchants and manufactures who died. It put pressure on the Parliament
  • 1. The French & Indian War:

    1.	The French & Indian War:
    The French & Indian War starting in the year 1754 and ended in 1763. The French & British were fighting because France controlled a large area of Middle Western land which is now The United States. Between two claims was an area of land in the Ohio River valley that both countries called theirs. The British won most of the wars because they employed colonial troops and decided to attack Quebec and Montreal. The British ultimately won all their wars. A lot of people died in the war between these
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris, also known as the Peace of Paris and the Treaty of 1763. It was signed on February 10, 1763 by the kingdoms of Great Britain, France and Spain with Portugal in agreement. British policies, such as a lot of taxation and land treatise, which led to the American Revolution and made the colonists fight for their freedom. George Washington received training from his time in the French and Indian War that would be right during the American Revolution.The British victory in
  • Treaty of Paris {B}

    Treaty of Paris {B}
    the French and Indian War had a great impact on the British Empire. Firstly, there was a great expansion of British territorial claims in the New World, but the cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt.
  • Pontiac's War {B}

    Pontiac's War {B}
    settlements. This conflict is named after its most famous participant, the Ottawa leader Pontiac. Eight forts were destroyed, and hundreds of colonists were killed.
  • Pontiac's War

    Pontiac's War
    The Pontiac’s War was a war that was started in the year of 1763 by a loose confederation of elements of Native American tribes primarily from the Great Lakes region, the Illinois Country, and Ohio Country who were dissatisfied with British postwar policies in the Great Lakes region after the British won in the French and Indian War. They started fighting when the Native Americans were offended by the policies of British General Jeffrey Amherst and attacked a number of British forts and
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was made by King George III following Great Britain's acquisition of French territory in North America. After the end of the French and Indian War, it had forbidden settlers from settling past a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains. The purpose of the proclamation was to organize Great Britain's new North American empire and to gain relations with Native North Americans through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier. The
  • Proclamation of 1763 {B}

    Proclamation of 1763 {B}
    colonists were furious because the British had taken over most of North America, which was the new turf of the French and the Americans.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    This was first titled The American Revenue Act of 1764. On April 5, 1764, Parliament passed a modified version of the Sugar and Molasses Act on 1733. The Sugar Act taxed goods imported to America to raise revenue for England after it incurred debt during the French & Indian war. They couldn’t keep control of trade in British hands, and contributed to the movements for independence in America so they created the Sugar Act. The colonists either boycotted sugar or smuggled it from other countries.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The act taxed documents such as newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, decks of cards, and much more. The Stamp Act required a tax on all legal documents and a stamp on such document to prove that the right tax is paid. This law was passed to accuse smugglers of smuggling. Colonist didn’t really like this law. The Stamp Act and the Sugar Act are both different because in the Sugar Act they boycotted sugar instead of fighting back like the colonist did with the Stamp Act. The colonist fought
  • Stamp Act {B}

    Stamp Act {B}
    back by starting a rebellion against this law.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was an act, passed by Parliament that made colonists houses or quarter British soldiers. This Act was made by the British Parliament to force the American colonies to provide housing and provisions for British troops. The Act required the colonies to provide barracks and supplies to British troops. They weren’t happy with the ruling but accepted the stubbornness of the British troops being housed in their own dwellings.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act was held because it was the first gathering of elected representatives from several of the American colonies to devise a unified protest against new British taxation. There were many key leaders, but the main ones are James Otis, Samuel Adams, Phillip Livingston, Timothy Ruggles, and John Cotton. Nine of the thirteen colonies were represented in this Act. The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was a document written by the Stamp Act Congress. It declared that taxes imposed on
  • The Stamp Act Congress {B}

    The Stamp Act Congress {B}
    British colonists without their formal consent were unconstitutional.
  • The Townsend Acts

    The Townsend Acts
    The Townshend Act was named after Charles Townshend. The purpose of this act was to raise revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges so that they would be independent of colonial rule, to make a more effective means of enforcing compliance with trade regulations, to punish the province of New York for failing to comply with the 1765 Quartering Act, and to establish the precedent that the British Parliament had the right to tax the colonies. In the Townshend Acts such
  • The Townshend Acts {B}

    The Townshend Acts {B}
    things like lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea were taxed. The Colonist responded to the Act by boycotting goods, refusing to providing quarters for the British troops, and signing non-important pacts in which they agreed not to buy or import British goods. The revenue-producing tea levy, the American Board of Customs, and most important, the principle of making governors and magistrates independent all remained a law.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The British soldiers and the colonists already didn't get along, so when they arrived the colonists started to threaten the soldiers. Then the Boston Massacre started. On March 5, 1770 a large group of mad colonists surrounded a small group of soldiers. The colonists surrounded them, and yelled at them, threw rocks, snowballs, and ice at them, all because they were angered with the British troops blaming them for their loss of jobs. This frightened the soldiers, and they heard a gunshot so they
  • The Boston Massacre {B}

    The Boston Massacre {B}
    all started to shoot, because they were taught to defend themselves when they felt frightened. They had killed 5 colonists and left 6 wounded. In my opinion, i find it unfair to call it the Boston Massacre because the soldiers didn't try to kill the colonists. It was an accident because they felt in danger, therefore they shot. Because of them killing some colonists, they tried to arrest him for murder. An anti-british named John Adams, defended the British soldiers. Why? Because he felt as if
  • The Boston Massacre {C}

    The Boston Massacre {C}
    in a free country everyone has the right to a fair trial or a lawyer. Paul Revere then made a famous picture of the Boston Massacre and had called it "The Bloody Massacre". The picture was a fake,
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The Tea Act's main purpose was not to raise revenue from the colonies but to bail out the floundering East India Company. The British passed this law to help save the East India Company. Monopoly means the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a group of Massachusetts Patriots, protesting the monopoly on American tea importation recently granted by Parliament to the East India Company. The cause of the this act was the king was taxing all of the colonists for a piece of paper, paint to paint their house, and many more. A group of Massachusetts colonist took 342 chests of tea in a midnight raid on three tea ships and threw them into the Boston harbor. The group that was responsible for the Boston Tea Party was
  • The Boston Tea Party {B}

    The Boston Tea Party {B}
    led by Samuel Adams and was called the "Sons of Liberty.” The British shut down the Boston Harbor and created the Intolerable Acts, in the event of these two things, and the Massachusetts government failed.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Act was passed because the British Parliament was deeply in debt, and thought the American colonies should pay part of the expense. There were actually four laws that consist of the The Intolerable Acts. The five key points and or parts of this act is The Boston Port Act, The Massachusetts Government Act, The Administration of Justice Act, The Quartering Act, The Quebec Act, and The Second Continental Congress.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    The First Continental Congress brought together representatives from each of the colonies, except Georgia and in which they discussed their response to the British "Intolerable Acts." All colonies were represented, but Georgia.Fifty-six people were here. Two things that the congress agreed to do was boycott British goods, and have a council of safety for every colony. Some of the key people who attended the First Continental Congress were Charles Thomson, Peyton Randolph, and Henry Middleton.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    The British was headed to Concord because of the armoury for weapons and ammunition. There was a revolution of our America started in April 19, 1775 on Middlesex Country Massachusetts, 49 people were killed, 39 were wounded, and 5 went missing. The Minutemen of the Revolutionary War were American volunteer soldiers. British troops were sent to Concord to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams, but both men had been warned about the British attack. Just about 700 British Army regulars, under
  • Lexington and Concord {B{

    Lexington and Concord {B{
    Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith, were given secret orders to capture and tear apart military supplies that were reportedly stored by the Massachusetts Militia at Concord.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    On July 4, 1775, revolutionary Georgians held a Provincial Congress to decide how to respond to the American Revolution. The Olive Branch Petition was adopted by the Continental Congress in July 1775 in a fortified attempt to avoid a full-blown war between the Thirteen Colonies that the Congress represented, and Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence is the founding document of the American political tradition. The Congress ended up being the new American Government.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The colonists intended on building there defenses on Bunker Hill, but they misunderstood Ward's orders and ended up building their defenses on Breed's Hill. Israel Putnam leaded the American's at Bunker Hill, and William Howe leaded the British. The British's strategy was to save as much amunition as possible. They were to not fire their guns unless they could see the white of their eyes. This battle took place on June 17 during the Siege Of Boston. Despite its name, it mostly took place on
  • Battle of bunkeer Hill

    Battle of bunkeer Hill
    Breed's Hill. The first two attacks resulted in considerable losses to the British force. The third attack resulted differently.. the American's ammunition ran out, and the British turned the war around and won the battle. It was a very costly victory because 226 of their men were killed, and 828 were wounded.