
History of the American Revolution

By smithev
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    Provided the 13 colonies one general government to come together. It helped them unify as one and help defend themselves from threats. But they could not get on the same page, they all had different opinions. They were unwilling to overcome their differences.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    A dispute between the French and British over the Ohio river territory and the allegiance of the native american nations found there.There was death, property damage, and was left in debt that threatened their economy.Taxes were put on almost everything to regain the money.
  • Writs of Assistance

    Writs of Assistance
    The British soldiers were able to issue a warrant to search a home for any smuggled goods. The colonists didn’t take it well when these strange soldiers bargeing into their homes accusing them of something they didn’t do. When the king died all of the warrants expired, so there was a decrease of the searches of homes.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    It was to be against the Stamp Act. The colonists taxes were raised going against the Stamp Act. The colonists went with it and some went against the Stamp Act.
  • Pontiac's War

    Pontiac's War
    It was to defend from tribes trying to push the british out. Colonists died fighting. They reacted by fighting back. American reaction to this measure was immediate and heated. British force attempted to free the fort by launching a surprise attack against Pontiac’s village.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Because the colonists were going west. It made them have to pay more. The reaction of colonial land speculators and frontiersmen was immediate and understandably negative. From their perspective, risking their lives in the recent war had been rewarded by the creation of a vast restricted native reserve in the lands they coveted. Settlers ignored it and headed to the area. British tried to make sure no one else passed
  • Sugar Act

    After the French and Indian War sugar was taxed, to pay off the British debt. The colonists did not agree or like the sugar act They started smuggling in sugar and british soldiers were able to search the boats that were importing the goods.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    Restricted the emission of paper money by the colonies of New England. The resultant inflation was harmful to merchants in Great Britain, who were forced to accept the depreciated currency from colonists for payment of debts. They were annoyed and forced into the new currency. They went along with it for a while after the French and Indian War. They wanted to repeal the Act over the next several years. In 1770, Parliament gave permission in 1770, Parliament gave permission for
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Parliament taxed every paper that was used. The money collected was to help the soldiers defending and protecting the American Frontier. The colonists were not mad about the cost but that standard it set. Other Acts were to measure and regulate commerce, but this was to raise money for the troops. They made an agreement to restate the Act.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    To increase the profit of the British. They boycotted the British products that were being taxed. The British didn’t get the profit they wanted
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The reason for this event was because there was a street fight between a patriot mob that was throwing stones, snowballs, and sticks at the British soldiers.The colonists were affected because some of them died to got injured. They began a riot and attacked the soldiers.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    The british were giving the colonists a chance to import and sell their tea. They shipped tons of tea to every colony.
    The colonists refused to even take the tea off of the boats let alone sell it. They left it in the ships and let the tea rot, or either sent them back. Tea spilled and leaked into the waters.
  • Committees of Correspondence

    Committees of Correspondence
    Shadow governments organized by the Patriot leaders of the Thirteen Colonies on the eve of the American Revolution. Americans were somewhat helped by this during the revolutionary war. The colonial and local Committees took charge.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    When the British tea ships arrived in the Boston Harbor, many wanted it sent back without payment of taxes. A group of men disguised as Indians and boarded the ships, and they dumped all of the tea into the harbor. Arrests were made, riots broke out and some were sentenced to jail.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    Tea was dumped into the Boston Harbor. The colonists had to spend more money. The colonists reacted badly because of all the taxes on the acts and that caused them to spend more money that didn’t have
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    To make the americans even more angry. They provide barracks and supplies for Great Britain
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Setting procedures of governance in the Province of Quebec.The Quebec Act angered the Americans and was termed one of the Intolerable Acts by the Patriots, and contributed to the coming of the American Revolution.They told they wanted territory
  • Continental Congress

    Continental Congress
    The colonists were upset with the kings’ ways, so they made their own congress to solve their problems. They started their own ways and made a solution. It didn’t really affect them all that much.They took charge.
  • Patriots

  • New England Restraining Act

    New England Restraining Act
    To exclusively trade with Great Britain. They would not get as much crops and food because they can only trade with Great Britain.
  • Restraining Act

    Restraining Act
    There were two Acts passed in 1775 by the Parliament of Great Britain in response to the unrest in Massachusetts and overall colonial boycott on British goods conducted by the Continental Congress early in the American Revolution. The colonists found this act fair. They boycotted
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British regulars were sent to take over an armory used by the militia for guns, ammunition, and powder. They (the British) also had warrants to arrest Sam Adams for the acts of the Boston tea party and Sons of Liberty and more people. The british was told to not fire till fired at. a fire was first, but no one knows who shot it. The war cost so much money so the taxes went higher,so they spent more money that they didn’t have. They acted by having war and doing what they were told
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Had declared that Britain claimed war against them. It just caused the colonists to have higher taxes and they took charge. They took charge of everything.
  • Battle of Bunkerhill

    Battle of Bunkerhill
    It was an extension of the battle of Lexington and Concord. The colonists taxes went higher. The colonists fought for their liberty
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    Many people were upset about the British policies and treatment. Many colonists did not want to break away from Great Britain. They didn’t like that they had to break away, but they did and took charge.
  • Loyalists

    To make a group of people who stayed loyal to the king
  • Prohibitory Act

    Prohibitory Act
    It was to retaliate against the rebellion of the colonists. They were boycotting the motherland and not importing any of their goods. They were cut off basically from England trade.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    Was fought between American Continental Army forces and the British defenders of Quebec City early in the American Revolutionary War. Many died from the battle. They fought back at Quebec.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    To tell the colonists of common sense. It changed their view of some things. They talked to Britain on rights.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Declaration of Independance
    It started when the king of england raised taxes for tea and the to have Americans have more free. The taxes went higher and the colonists got more free so it affected them in a good and bad grade. They got freedom, but the taxes got higher
  • Daughters of Liberty

    Daughters of Liberty
    Women who displayed their loyalty by participating in boycotts of British goods following the passage of the Townshend Acts. It gave people goods. They used the good to help them between Britain and America
  • Policy of Non-Importation

    Policy of Non-Importation
    To forbade the importation of certain British goods in an attempt to coerce Great Britain to suspend its impressment of American sailors and to respect American sovereignty and neutrality on the high seas. Americans as fighting for their rights. They thought it was fair. The Non-Importation Act failed due to the past boycotts that American had, had against Britain.