
APUSH LT4 Final Affirmation -- British Control and Revolution

  • George Whitefield’s Preaching Tour

    George Whitefield’s Preaching Tour
    saying how humans should avoid eternal damnation and be saved
    ended in 1741
  • George Whitefield’s Preaching Tour -END-

    George Whitefield’s Preaching Tour -END-
    This tour made many convert to save themselves in the so-called afterlife.
  • Ohio Company

    Ohio Company
    a real estate development firm designed to benefit the Governor of Virginia’s friends
    Colonists were angry it didn't involve them and was reserved for the Governor and who he permitted in.
  • First British Attempt to Attack the French in Farmington, Pennsylvania

    First British Attempt to Attack the French in Farmington, Pennsylvania
    led by George Washington, they’d tried to effect the French from forts they were constructing in Pennsylvania, which ultimately failed
  • Nova Scotia

    Nova Scotia
    first real success the British had, they took part of Nova Scotia and kicked out more than 11,000 French Acadians
    After this event the colonists side of the war began to prevail.
  • 7 Years of War -start-

    7 Years of War -start-
    Americans called it “The French and Indian War”
    The Prussians called it “The Third Silesian War
    Swedes called it the Pomeranian War
  • Fort Duquesne Attack

    Fort Duquesne Attack
    French and Indian had beat the British, another not-so-successful attack from the British
  • British Now in Favor

    finally captured Fort Duquesne and Ticonderoga and Louisbourg. The biggest victory came when the British trounced at the French at the Plains of Abraham near Quebec. Montreal surrendered the next year.
  • Natives Unhappy With New Arrangements

    With the French gone with their new territory, they had to deal with the new British colonies whom they didn’t get along very well with.
    Resulting in Pontic's Rebellion
  • British Proclamation Line

    British Proclamation Line
    forbid settlements in the west of the Appalachian Mountains and reserved it as territory for the Indians
  • 7 Years of War -END-

    7 Years of War -END-
    The end of the technically 9 years of war was ended by the Treaty of Paris which resulted in benefits for the battling countries, however it didn't work out so well for the Natives.
    Sort of like when WW1 ended, the treaty was unfair to one side and it sparked the next world war
  • Pontiac's Rebellion -START-

    Pontiac's Rebellion -START-
    tribes in the Great Lakes region were unhappy and set off a series of attacks that ultimately failed
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Ended the American Revolutionary War. Overall Britain got Canada from France and Florida from Spain. France got Caribbean sugar islands, Spain got Cuba and the Philippines.
    Overall the Natives didn't get their share of land and ended up fighting back later in the chapter.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    Prohibited the colonies from issuing their own paper as money as legal tender for public or private debts to the Britains
  • Sugar and Molasses Act

    Sugar and Molasses Act
    Sugar Act extended the Molasses Act by changing tax on imports from the Caribbean from 6 cents a gallon to 3 cents a gallon (Green 1.56)
    They cut the tax but they started enforcing it once they started to rule out smuggling
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    A secret organization that was created in the Thirteen American Colonies to advance the rights of the European colonists and to fight taxation by the British government by having delegates go and create an "underground resistance" to the tax which they called "British tyranny"
  • Daughter's of Liberty

    Daughter's of Liberty
    In response to the stamp act, small groups of women were determined to boycott British goods in protest by making their own cloth and such to avoid buying English textiles.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    declared all printed material had to carry a stamp (2.29), obviously these stamps were not free and the colonists weren’t too happy about it like the lawyers and newspaper committee
    Overall this act made it so that those who produced the newspaper, lawyers -just the people you want to get angry- and many others pay a fee for printed material and resulted in an uprising against the colonies
  • Quartering Act -Intolerable Act-

    Quartering Act -Intolerable Act-
    Forced colonists to house British soldiers into their homes. Which was an inconvenience for those who had to provide for the household and caused many complications between the colonies and their mother coutnry
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The first major coordinated action the colonists did together - started the boycotts with the stamp act
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    Stamp Act Repealed
    After months of protest both from the higher ups and the commoners, and an appeal by Benjamin Franklin before the British House of Commons, Parliament voted to repeal the Stamp Act
  • Pontiac's Rebellion -END-

    Pontiac's Rebellion -END-
    Natives were extremely unhappy with sharing their land after finding out it was a more permanent situation with the new neighboring colonies and of course fought back and were completely over powered.
  • Revenue Act

    Revenue Act
    Restricted trade in sugar which helped the British and Caribbean merchants however it made it even harder for the North American merchants who now couldn't make as much profit.
  • Second Revenue Act

    Second Revenue Act
    Placed new duties on paper, lead, paint, glass, and tea.
  • Townshend Act -Intolerable Act-

    Townshend Act -Intolerable Act-
    Used to stop smuggling which the colonists didn’t like and made it so that more people would become "criminals" since they were "breaking the law"
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British Army soldiers were shot and killed five people under an attack by a mob
    5 died and 3 were injured so it wasn't really a massacre
    ALSO all tax excluding the tax on tea were repealed on the same day as the Boston Massacre
  • Somerset Decision

    Somerset Decision
    James Somerset was the African slave of Charles Stewart.
    He'd become friends with free blacks and white abolitionists.
    In October 1771 he'd run away and was caught on a ship going to Jamaica.
    His white friend helped him go to court and prove whether he was imprisoned lawfully, the court had to set him free since it was true that he was.
    This caused a giant stir in the colonies and Britain, some had began to free their slaves and some slaves had the courage to attempt to run away.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Granted the British East India Company Tea a portion of tea sales in the American colonies
    It was there to reduce the massive amount of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company
  • Colonists Fight Tea Act

    Colonists Fight Tea Act
    Due to the popular new Tea Act the colonists dressed up as Indians and dumped tea into the Boston Harbor overall equaling up to a $4,000,000 loss to prove how much they were against it.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    A group of delegates from the 12 of 13 colonies met in Philadelphia to coordinate resistance.
    The one colony who hadn't came was still receiving aid from their mother country.
  • Intolerable Acts Start

    Intolerable Acts Start
    Series of Intolerable Acts that were put in place in Britain and the colonists didn't like it
  • Massachusetts Government Act -Intolerable Act-

    Massachusetts Government Act -Intolerable Act-
    Gave royally appointed governors wide-ranging power which to the colonies was unjust and intolerable.
  • Quebec Act -Intolerable Act-

    Quebec Act -Intolerable Act-
    Granted Canadians religious freedom and restored the French form of civil law which proved to be unfair to the other colonies
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that started meeting in the spring of 1775 in Philadelphia
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    Continental Congress sent the petition to King George III saying Americans were loyal British subjects and wanted reconciliation with the mother country
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Parliament passed the Declaratory Acts, asserting that the British government had free and total legislative power over the colonies.
  • Common Sense by Thomas Paine

    Common Sense by Thomas Paine
    overall the pamphlet had many rhetorical arguments and the point Paine tried to prove was America was special in some way One important reason the Revolution took place
  • Last Battle of American Revolutionary War

    Last Battle of American Revolutionary War
    Took place in Yorktown, Virginia
    A combined American and French force led by George Washington and French general Comte de Rochambeau
    They had surrounded and captured the British general and about 9.000 troops.
    After the defeat of Britain, England had finally decided it was time to offer peace negotiations
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    a revitalization of religious feeling originally they were all Anglicans but then during the great awakening there were also Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists
    Sort of like bringing back religion and certain beliefs and allowing them to be carried on through future generations