The american revolution 1775 1781 powerpoint for all lessons 1 638

American Revolution

By olaina
  • French & Indian War, 1754-1763

    French & Indian War, 1754-1763
    Nine-year war between the British and the French in North America.
    The significance of this war was that the French were removed from North America and the Treaty of Paris, 1763 was signed.
  • Albany Congress, 1754

    Albany Congress, 1754
    Purpose was to get better colonial unity; defeat benefited France; Benjamin Franklin was leader
  • Treaty of Paris, 1763

    Treaty of Paris, 1763
    The treaty that ended the French & Indian War. The treaty resulted in the French being kicked out of America and the British controlled from the Atlantic to the Mississippi River.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 banned English settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains because the British didn't want more Native conflict.
    The significance of this proclamation was that it caused colonial uproar because they felt like they had just fought for land that they should be allowed to settle on.
  • Navigation Laws, 1650 / Enforced 1764

    Navigation Laws, 1650 / Enforced 1764
    The Navigation Laws implied that goods must be carried on colonial/English ships, 3/4 of crew had to be born English, certain products (ex. tobacco) had to be exported to England, and products had to go through English custom laws. Colonists responded with smuggling. Laws weren't enforced harder until 1764.
  • Sugar Act, 1764

    Sugar Act, 1764
    The Sugar Act had tax on molasses and sugar from the West Indies.
    The Sugar Act was the first law to be passed to raise money for the crown.
    Colonists protested as a result.
  • Stamp Act, 1765

    Stamp Act, 1765
    The Stamp Act put tax on paper products (legal documents, playing cards, etc).
    The act resulted in colonists' anger because they were not being represented in Parliament.
    Colonists responded with protests.
  • The Quartering Act, 1765

    The Quartering Act, 1765
    This law required that colonists provide food and a place to live to the British soldiers.
    The significance of this law was that there was a renewed anger in the colonies because they felt like they were taking care of men that were there to keep an eye on the colonists.
  • Repeal of the Stamp Act, Start of the Declaratory Acts, 1766

    Repeal of the Stamp Act, Start of the Declaratory Acts, 1766
    The law passed by Parliament after the repeal of the Stamp Act that gave Parliament the right to pass whatever laws they wanted to on the colonies.
    The significance of these acts were that the British now had full control on the colonists.
  • Townshend Acts, 1767

    Townshend Acts, 1767
    There was an import tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint, & tea.
    Colonists rioted
  • Boston Massacre, 1770

    Boston Massacre, 1770
    The Boston Massacre started when Bostonians were mad about the British shooting an 11-year-old boy.
    After crowd was getting rowdy, a British troop open-fired on citizens, killing/wounding 11 people.
  • Committees of Correspondence, 1773

    Committees of Correspondence, 1773
    These committees were created to to exchange letters and information between the colonies.
    The significance of these committees was that the spirit of resistance and opposition were kept alive.
  • Boston Tea Party, 1773

    Boston Tea Party, 1773
    Bostonians dressed up as Indians, boarded ships in Boston Harbor, dumped 342 chest of tea into Atlantic because of tax on tea.
    British closed the harbor and told colonists they had to repair and repay for it to be opened.
  • Intolerable Acts, 1774

    Intolerable Acts, 1774
    Closed the Boston Port until tea and harbor was repaired. Restrictions were enforced on town meetings.
    Britain soldiers that killed colonists were tried in Britain, let go.
    Colonists felt the Acts were the massacre of liberty for Americans.
  • First Continental Congress, 1774

    First Continental Congress, 1774
    Colonists were talking with the king, making petitions.
    The First Association started a boycott of British good, parliament rejected Congress' ideas.
  • Second Continental Congress, 1775

    Second Continental Congress, 1775
    Delegates from all 13 colonies.
    The delegates drafted the Declaration of Independence.
    Met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Battles at Lexington and Concord, 1775

    Battles at Lexington and Concord, 1775
    These battles were when British troops were sent to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock and seize colonial weapons.
    The significance of these battles was that "the shot heard around the world" was fired and there was no going back, war had officially been waged.
  • Bunker Hill, 1775

    Bunker Hill, 1775
    Bunker Hill was a bloody war fought between the British and the colonists. Despite the British victory, the war had severely taken a toll on their amount of troops and supplies and ultimately was a moral victory for the colonists.
    The significance of this battle was that the Continental Congress adopted the Olive Branch Petition which tried to convince the British that the Americans were loyal to the crown. The king did not except and he hired Hessians instead.
  • Olive Branch Petition, 1775

    Olive Branch Petition, 1775
    The Olive Branch Petition was when the Continental Congress offered to end hostilities with Britain. King George declined the petition.
  • Battle of Quebec, 1775

    Battle of Quebec, 1775
    French forces were defeated in Quebec.
    Resulted in French being removed from US territory.
  • Common Sense, 1776

    Common Sense, 1776
    Thomas Paine published a pamphlet that encouraged the colonies to declare independence and to make a republic government.
    The colonists were encouraged to support the Revolution because of the pamphlet.
  • Declaration of Independence, 1776

    Declaration of Independence, 1776
    This document was signed by the Second Continental Congress and it regarded the colonies as 13 independent sovereign states, not under British rule.
    The significance of the Declaration was that it was now official that the colonies were breaking away from Britain and becoming their own country.
  • Battle of Trenton, 1776

    Battle of Trenton, 1776
    George Washington made a surprise attack on the German Hessians, hired mercenaries, and captured them, which made it easier to win the Battle at Princeton a week later.
  • Battle of Saratoga, 1777

    Battle of Saratoga, 1777
    This battle was where General John Burgoyne was forced to surrender to American General Horatio Gates.
    The significance of this battle was that the victory revived the colonial cause and now French foreign aid was available.
  • Valley Forge, 1777-1778

    Valley Forge, 1777-1778
    George Washington led soldiers to a camp that had no militia supplies.
    Soldiers died, hundreds, and froze, thousands.
  • Battle of Yorktown, 1781

    Battle of Yorktown, 1781
    Also known as Siege of Yorktown.
    George Washington and the French Army surrounded Cornwallis. The French pushed all additional french help away, causing Cornwallis to surrender.
  • Treaty of Paris, 1783

    Treaty of Paris, 1783
    This treaty was signed in Paris by representatives of the king and the colonies. This treaty ended the American Revolutionary War.
    The significance of the signing of this treaty was that Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States. Britain also granted the colonies an abundance of land.