Columbus discovers new world

aadils timeline of the united states

By ad47
  • Oct 11, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in America

    Christopher Columbus lands in America
    Columbus landed on america. He thought it to be asia so named it indes
  • Nov 15, 1519

    Spanish Empire Begins

    Spanish Empire Begins
    After Christopher Columbus discovered the american continent. The spanish wanted more and more land to claim. They claimed a lot of land in the north and sout america.
  • Nov 26, 1532

    Francisco Pizarro conqures the Inca empire

    Francisco Pizarro conqures the Inca empire
    In 1532, Francisco pizarro lead an attack on the Incan empire. The incas had been hit by the disease of small pox months befor the attack and were all dying out. They did not have enough men to fighht for the war and were defeated.
  • Nov 23, 1534

    New France is established

    New France is established
    In 1534 french explorer Jacques Cartier sailed to the americas and claimed nowday canada for France. He also discovered a very important element for their tradeing posts which was beaver fur.
  • The first English colony: Jamestown

    The first English colony: Jamestown
    The english wanted to find a passage to the new world but failed. They discovered a marshy piece of land and claimed it. They thought that the marshey area aroyund their claimed land would save them from invaders. There were many mosquitoes breeding in the marshes and slowly they started spreading diseases like deangue and malaria. Slowly all the people in james town day by day died of the diseases.
  • Starving time

    Starving time
    When there were no people to act as go betweens , between the natives and the english, the natives clearly refused to trade with the english. When there was nothing left to eat then the english had to eat dogs, dead people and rats
  • New Netherlands

    New Netherlands
    In 1609, a sailor named Henry Hudson discovered a river full of fish (later named hudson river) and claimed the land along its banks. The place he claimed was later called New Netherlands
  • Peter minuit becomes colony's governer

    Peter minuit becomes colony's governer
    In 1626, The Dutch West India company sent a new governar to the colony. PETER MINIUT. He was given direct orders to have peaceful relations with the natives.
  • New York

    New York
    The settlement of new netherlands was renamed New York after its owner, James, the duke of York. Twohuge chunks of land was give to the two friends of the duke, Sir George Carteret and Lord Jhon Berkeley. The two people then established the two colonies of New Jersey which was located to the south of New York. The Duke of york or rather the qwne rof the colony expected that the colony should be money making thing for him and he was the one who ppointed the people of the colony.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The British had faced many losses after the French Indian war and made a line of Proclamation deviding the natives and the colonies so they would stop killing each other. They did not think taht already many colonists were settled in the west and the good fertile land for farms was also located in the west which they had restricted. Some people tried to argue about it but the British ignored it and expanded their army to 7,500.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The colonists from United states signed a treaty with the British, in Paris. The treaty had 3 important parts, 1 - Britain agreed to recognize the colonies as an independant nation, 2 - Britain gave up its claims to all lands between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi river, 3 - The colonies agreed to return all rights and property taken from loyalists during war.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    As the British had faced heavy losses, they thought of new ways of gettings profits. They saw that the colonists were the only people not being taxed. So they made a new act- The Stamp Act in which every paper used by the colonists was to be stamped and the stamp costed big money. People did many protests and after a month the parliament tok back the law.
  • The Quatering acts.

    The Quatering acts.
    The parliament passed a new set of laws that said that every colonist has to give a quater to a soldier as he is defending the colonist. This act was actually passed as the parliament was going low on revenues and needed a new source of money.
  • The Townshed acts

    The Townshed acts
    Charles Townshed was asked to make certain laws to make some money out of colonists, he made the townshed acts in which all the daily needs items were taxed like paint, paper, tea, etc.
  • The Tea act

    The Tea act
    The tea act was lord Norths attempt to rescue the British East Indias Company from heavy losses. JHe had made the cost of British tea very low. It had become even cheaper than smuggled dutch tea. As a result, British tea company got a total controle over the tea trade in america. They even choose their own salesmen.
  • The Intolerable acts

    The Intolerable acts
    Lord North was stunned by the news about the Boston Tea party. They thought that they were just helping the colonists by giving them cheap tea. They said that the colonists had gone too far and made a series of laws which were named 'intolerable' by the colonists.
  • Lexingto&Concord

    The Britsh troops attacked the colonists and king George declared the colonists betrayers. There was a fierce fight between the two parties.
  • The seond contenental Congress

    The seond contenental Congress
    The colonists gathered to decide who will be the commanding incharge of the contenental army which would fight the British.
  • The battle of Bunker hill

    The battle of Bunker hill
    The Colonists captured the hill and the British tried to take over tyhe hill. The failed until the third time.Many of the British and colonist troops were killed in the battle.
  • The Olive Branch Petition.

    The Olive Branch Petition.
    The continental congress trried to make peace with the British by sending them a peaceful message but the British delired them traitors.
  • The Seige of Boston

    The Seige of Boston
    George washington begged for ammunation to other colonies and at last ended up in stealing guns and canons from a British castel.
  • Final version of declaration of independence.

    Final version of declaration of independence.
    Onthis day all the delegates were agreeing on the final version of the deeclaration of independece. Now, this day if celebrated as the independence day of the United States of america.
  • The declaration of Independence

    The declaration of Independence
    Thomas Jeffreson drafted an official letter in which the colonists declared themselves independant from the British reign.
  • Battle for New York

    Battle for New York
    The american and the British army met in Brooklyn, New York, for a battle. The americans began defending their city. After battle for 2 days, the Americans were no match for the British as they had less amount of people and didn't have superior training.
  • Trenton

    Washongton's army crossed the ice-chocked Delaware river in small boats. He had planned a surprise attack on the Hessians at Trenton. His plan was successful, overwhelming them completely.
  • Saratoga

    When Burgoyne reached Saratoga springs at the Hudson river, the area was filled with malitias. Although the rebels outnumbered his army, Burgoyne procedded for attack
  • Yorktown

    Washington set a trap for Cornwallis in Virginia. The British could not be assisted by their navy because washingtons army was moved down south and the french army helped them. So the French decided to block the harbour.
  • Traeaty of Paris

    Traeaty of Paris
    The colonists from United states signed a treaty with the British, in Paris. The treaty had 3 important parts, 1 - Britain agreed to recognize the colonies as an independant nation, 2 - Britain gave up its claims to all lands between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi river, 3 - The colonies agreed to return all rights and property taken from loyalists during wa
  • Constitutional convention

    Constitutional convention
    The constitutional convention was a meeting to revise and make a new AoC for the whole country.
  • Ratification of Articles of Confederation

    Ratification of Articles of Confederation
    The ratification of the AoC, was a sort of meeting for the sole purpose of revising the AoC
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Daniel shays asked for a same currency for all states as it was very difficult to pay off debts and loans for farmers.
  • Ratification of the U.S. Constitution

    Ratification of the U.S. Constitution
    In this all people signed the constitution to show that they and their respective pepople agreed to the constitution.
  • Lousiana Purchase

    Lousiana Purchase
    This was the United states' first oppertunity to expand their territory, they wanted the land west of the Mississipi river, known as Lousiana
  • Spain gives Florida to US

    Spain gives Florida to US
    The area of Florida was with the Spanish but the people living there were again and again raiding Georgia. Andrew Jackson was swnt to finish the raind but was not authorized to enter the spanish territory. Despite his commands he invaded Florida and captured it. Then the president of the US sent a blunt message to the Spanish, govern properly or get out. Spanish fearful of war handed over Florida to the US
  • The Indian removal act

    The Indian removal act
    President Jackson decided to remove Indians from their homes and take away their lands. He launched the Indian removal policy to do thst. The polocy stated that all Indians had to move from their lands and travel to a place assined to them to live across the Mississipi river.
  • The "Trail of Tears"

    The "Trail of Tears"
    When Jackson was the president, he wanted to get rid of the Indians and take away their lands. To do tha, he launched the Indian polocy in which all the Indian trides were given a certain amount of land and they had to travel from their homes to the given lands. Some tribes had to travel more than 30,000 kms. More than half of the tribes men died during such cases. This was called the TRAIL OF TEARS.
  • Second thing that upset the Northerners

    Second thing that upset the Northerners
    The northerners were upset about Congress refusing to consider anti-slavery petetions as it silenced all the talks and debates over slavery in the senate and now there was no one to stop it.
  • Texas is annexed

    Texas is annexed
    Texas had a very vast history but al last it was taken in the US territory as the 28th state of the developing country. It was first part of mexico and then became part of the US
  • One thing that upset Southerners

    One thing that upset Southerners
    the Wilmont Proviso act upset the southerners as they said that congress had no right to tell slaveowners where they can take their property and where not.
  • Oregon treaty

    Oregon treaty
    On June 18, 1846, the senate of the united states ratified the treaty between Britian and the US. Now the area of Oregon was of the americans.
  • War with Mexico

    War with Mexico
    Now the US wanted New MExico and california but the mexicans would not sell or surrender them therefore the US president waited till the Mexicans made a wrong move, when they did, the US annexed both the places.
  • Second thing that upset the southerners.

    Second thing that upset the southerners.
    In 1849 when California applied for becoming a free state upset the Southerners as this would upset the balance of the slave and free states in the senate and they would lose their power.
  • One thing that upset the Northerners

    One thing that upset the Northerners
    In the Compromise, The fugitive slave law upset the northerners as now any southerner can come and forcibly take a free black man to the South and make him a slave.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    The civil war began in early 1860's when the 11 southern states suseced from the union. They had a long argument over slavery which led to this war. This war was between two groups of the mainland of the US. Lincoln was the president of the union and Jeffreson Davis was the president of the
  • Period: to

    Civil war

    The civil war began in early 1860's when the 11 southern states suseced from the union. They had a long argument over slavery which led to this war. This war was between two groups of the mainland of the US. Lincoln was the president of the union and Jeffreson Davis was the president of the confedresy. The starting shots of the war were shot at fort sumter.