
Rise of Power in Nazi Germany

  • National Socialist German Workers' Party- Nazi formed

    National Socialist German Workers' Party- Nazi formed
    Created by disaffected soldiers and other conservatives hoping to promote German volk
    -Hitler became Führer - leader
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    -Failed attempt by Hitler to overthrow local authority in Munich
    -Hitler arrested and jailed
    -Trial gave Hitler a platform and a light sentence
  • Mein Kampf is Published

    Mein Kampf is Published
    Becomes Ideological Base for Nazis
  • 1929 – Nazi’s win 18.3 % of vote

    1929 – Nazi’s win 18.3 % of vote
    Second Largest Party in Reichstadt
  • 1932 Election was Crucial

    1932 Election was Crucial
    -Depression had a bolstering effect on Nazi politics
    -Hindenburg was 82 but ran in order to defeat Hitler
    -Nazi’s gained 37% of Reichstadt
  • 1933 President Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor

    1933 President Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor
  • 1934 Hindenburg Died

    1934 Hindenburg Died
    Hitler combined the roles of the President and Chancellor of Germany
  • 1935 Nuremburg Laws were enacted

    1935 Nuremburg Laws were enacted
    Jewish citizens were stripped of citizenship
  • 1936 Germany hosts Olympics

    1936 Germany hosts Olympics
  • March 1938 Anschluss

    March 1938 Anschluss
    Union of Germany and Austria without protest
  • September 1938 – Munich Accords

    September 1938 – Munich Accords
    Hitler convinces Europe to hand over ​Sudentenland
  • November 9, 1938 – Kristallnacht

    November 9, 1938 – Kristallnacht
    Night of Broken Glass, where Jewish businesses ​were destroyed