Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

  • 264

    The Beginning of the First Punic War 264-241 BC

    The Beginning of the First Punic War  264-241 BC
    Rome's first conflict with the Phoenician city of Carthage and they go to war with them mainily battling on the sea and win many battles in the sea. They takeover Sicily.
  • Jan 1, 735

    Rome was Founded 735 B.C.

    Rome was Founded 735 B.C.
    Two bothers, Romulus and Remus founded a city but argued over which hill to site it on. Then Romulus killed Remus and, Remus named the city Rome and put the city on the Palatine Hill.
  • Spartacus leads a slave revolt 3-71 BC

     Spartacus leads a slave revolt  3-71 BC
    A Thracian gladiator, Spartacus, leads a slave revolt and recruits at least 90,000 people. The revolt is put down by Marcus Crassus and Spartacus is killed.
  • Death of Julius Caesar 44 BC

     Death of Julius Caesar 44 BC
    Julius Caesar is declared as a dictator for life. On March 15, a group of nobles surround Caesar in the Senate and stab him to death.
  • Caesar Crosses Rubicon in 49 BC

     Caesar Crosses Rubicon in 49 BC
    Julius Caesar commits himself to civil war when he takes his legion across the Rubicon river separating Gaul and Italy. Then goes to Rome with his coalition and he takes over the city.
  • Caesar Campaigns in Gaul 58-50 BC

     Caesar Campaigns in Gaul 58-50 BC
    Caesar extends the frontier of Gaul to the west bank of the Rhine, his test comes in 52 BC, when he defeats a huge combined force of Gauls at the battle of Alesia.
  • Caesar is Elected Aedile 65 BC

    Caesar is Elected Aedile 65 BC
    Julius Caesars is elected to this mid-ranking but influential position with responsibility for organising games. After years of steady progression in the Roman political life.
  • A Republic is Established in 509 B.C.

    A Republic is Established in 509 B.C.
    King Tarqunius Superbus was charged with banishement by Rome's aristocracy. Nobles establish a Republic ruled by annually elected consuls and guided by a powerful Senate.
  • The Begining of the Second Punic War 218-202 BC

    The Begining of the Second Punic War  218-202 BC
    The Romans hold out and take thier battle to Africa, defeating Hannibal at the battle of Zama and Rome now controls Spain.
  • The Begining of the Third Punic War 149-146 BC

    The Begining of the Third Punic War 149-146 BC
    Rome moves to crush Carthage. Its far superior forces takes the city. The Romans level it and enslave 50,000 Carthaginians and the brutal victory leaves Rome in possession of Carthaginian north Africa.