Revolutionary Ideas

By kated
  • Thomas Hobbes(1588 - 1679)

    Government by the people. The monarchy was elevated to 'a position of power over' the people but this was based on the agreement of the people (landed elite).
  • John Locke (1632 - 1704)

    The 'consent of the people'. If governments failed theirs duty they broke the contract and the people had the right to remove their loyalty
  • The Stamp Act

    expensive, first time Americans will pay a small tax
    The stamp act was an outrage. It was the first time Americans would pay a tax, and the people getting taxed were second class. This was an insult to them.
  • Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

    The philosophe. Catholic controlled printing press in Paris censored the publication of enlightenment literature
  • David Hume (1711-1776 )

    He questioned religion's truth an importance.
  • Jean Jaques Rousseau (1712 - 1778)

    Jean Jaques Rousseau: social contract theory (1712 - 1778) The champion of democracy and a 'direct challenge to the power of the kings. Churhc es and arisocrats'
  • Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804)

    Immanuel Kant 'defined the Enlightenment as bringing' light into the dark corners of the mind - 'dispelling ignorance and superstition'.
  • Immigrants

    In the 1760's, a stewdy stream of immigrnats started arriving.
  • Thomas Hutchinson

    Hutchinson was disliked by the colonies, and when letters of his calling for abridgement of colonial rights were published in 1773, it intensified their dislike.
  • Franklin Steps In

    The King was considering banishing Hutchinson after the publication of his letters. However, Ben Franklin steps in and says it was he who wrote the letter, not Hutchinson. At this time, Franklin's love for England was turning into hate, and with threatened prosecution, he decided to leave England.