Revolutionary events of 1985 to 1991

  • Chernenko dies

    Chernenko dies
    Cher­nenko dies and is replaced by Mikhail Gor­bachev as gen­eral sec­re­tary of the Com­mu­nist Party
  • Glasnost

    Gor­bachev pro­mul­gates the poli­cies of open­ness, or glas­nost, and restruc­tur­ing, or perestroika
  • Chernobyl

    Cher­nobyl nuclear power sta­tion explodes, show­er­ing large areas in Ukraine, Belarus and beyond with radioac­tive material.
  • Political reform

    Political reform
    Gor­bachev pro­poses eco­nomic and polit­i­cal reform
  • Superpower Treaty

    Gor­bachev signs super­power treaty with US to begin scrap­ping nuclear warheads
  • Lithuanian Independent

    Soviet troops leave Afghanistan; nation­al­ist riots put down in Geor­gia; Lithuan­ian Com­mu­nist Party declares its inde­pen­dence from the Soviet Com­mu­nist Party
  • USSR disolved

    USSR disolved
    Con­gress of People’s Deputies votes for the dis­so­lu­tion of the Soviet Union