

By 1013636
  • Increase in taxes.

    Increase in taxes.
    The royal government increases taxes in order to pay the French debt. The taxes were raised severely, which was extremely bad for the middle and lower classes. Most families could no longer afford the bare necessities, and some couldn't even afford bread. This was one of the main reason the revolution was instigated in the first place.
  • Male citizens gained the right to vote.

    Male citizens gained the right to vote.
    The National Convention replaces the Assembly where all male citizens gained the right to vote. This was also another big step in the revolution, mainly because it gave the men the right to vote on an elected government, instead of no choice in a bloodline of Monarchs.
  • Beheading of the queen.

    Beheading of the queen.
    The queen, Marie Antoinette, is beheaded. The beheading of the queen marked the end of the French Monarchy, and was a sign of a new beginning.
  • Duma Established.

    Duma Established.
    The Duma was set up and had no real power.
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
    Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany.
  • The White Army is defeated.

    The White Army is defeated.
    The Red Army defeated the White Army.