Religion & Society Timeline

  • Rise of Nationalism

    The rise of nationalism occurs because Napoleon promoted and spread his nationalism during his reign, even though he inadvertently introduces this idea. This is related to culture and society because the idea of nationalism means the pride or love for one's country, which falls under religion/culture. This is significant because Napoleon's reign leads to Nationalism, which leads to national revolutions and unification, and later leads to imperialism.
  • Positive Effects of Industrialization

    The Industrialization created new machines that increased production and decreased the price of products. The effects of it were that the standard of living goes up socially and culturally. This is related to society and culture because the increase in the standard of living relates to society (the way people live). This is significant because the industrialization will start to happen in other countries, and their standard of living will increase also.
  • Introduction of Marxism and Communism

    Karl Marx writes the "Communist Manifesto," and that communism and Marxism means that everyone owns everything, there is no government, and there is no class system. Although this is an economic theory, this relates to culture and society because the fact that the community works together and everyone is equal means that this fits under society.
  • Imperialism

    Imperialism is when a strong country dominates over a weaker country politically, socially, and economically. There were motivations countries wanted to imperialize, which are missionary activity and nationalism. These motivations relate to society and culture because the missionary activity is the idea to save the soul of the people in other countries, which fits under society, and nationalism is the race of colonies for their country, which is culture/religion.