Alexander hamilton

Qtr 1 Timeline

  • Period: to

    Creation of the Constitution till the end of the War of 1812

  • Constitution was Ratified

    Constitution was Ratified
    The constitution was finally aproved but three delegates didn't sign because there was no Bill of Rights which came later.
  • Washington becomes the first president

    Washington becomes the first president
    The United States needed a President and they thought that George Washington did a great job being a general during the Revolutionary War. Washington also helped in making the Constitution with other special delegates.
  • First established Court System

    First established Court System
    The first established court system showed how the court would be run.
  • John Jay becomes nation's first Chief Justice

    John Jay becomes nation's first Chief Justice
    John Jay was the first Chief Justice to the Supreme Court of America. He was needed because he would run the law of the land and make statements unconstitutional to the exectutive and legislative branch if the situation was.
  • Bill of rights was ratified

    Bill of rights was ratified
    A Bill of Rights was needed in the Constitutions
  • Alien Seduction Acts were made

    Alien Seduction Acts were made
    This act was brought upon by the agents that were spying for France. It would make the public be more suspicious about aliens.
  • Washington leaves office

    Washington leaves office
    Washington was done with running the country and he wanted another leader to be president.
  • Jefferson becomes president

    Jefferson becomes president
    After a tie in the election of 1800, Jefferson came out victorious and was the president from 1801-1809.
  • Judicial review is established in Marbury v. Madison

    Judicial review is established in Marbury v. Madison
    The judicial review was established to make three special rules about the Supreme Court.
  • Jefferson bought the Louisiana perchase

    Jefferson bought the Louisiana perchase
    The French needed money so they sold the Louisiana Territory to the United States.