Psychology Ch. 1

  • 337


    337 B.C.
    He suggested problems such as confusion and maddness are due to abnormalities in the brain.
  • 500


    500 A.D.
    Believed that agitation and confusion where signs that you were possed by demons. They used the water-float test to tell if someone was possessed or not.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Nicolaus Copernicus

    Nicolaus Copernicus
    Suggested that the Earth revoles around the sun.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    Formulated the laws of gravity and motion.
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier
    Founded the science of Chemistry.
    He explained how animals and plant use oxygen in respiration.
  • Modern Psychology

    Modern Psychology
    Scientific approach led to the birth of modern psychology.
  • Psychological Laboratories

    Psychological Laboratories
    Laboratorie were established in Europe and the United States.
    Psychologist studied behavior and mental processes in these labs.
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Theorized that in the struggle for survival, the most-adaptive organisms have a greater chance of surviving to maturity.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Founded structionalism
    He broke down the two categories of consciousness: objective sensations and subjective feelings
  • William James

    William James
    Harvard University Professor
    Founder of the school of functionalism
    They were concerned how mental processes help organisms adapt to their environment.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    Viennese physician
    Founded the school of thought called psychoanalysis which emphasizes the importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts in determining human behavior
  • John B. Watson

    John B. Watson
    Founder of the school of behaiorism, He defined psychology as the scientific study of observable behavior
  • B. F. Skinner

    B. F. Skinner
    Harvard University psychologist
    Introduced the concept of reinforcement
    Skinner says that people learn in certain ways bcasue they have been reinforced for doing so.
  • Kenneth B.Clark

    Kenneth B.Clark
    Intended an academic highschool
    He and hia wife got Ph.D degrees in pychology
    They studied segregation and how society as a whole preferred white people.
  • Psychoanalytic Perspective

    Psychoanalytic Perspective
    1940s and 1950s
    Psychoanalytic theory dominated the practice of psychotherapy and greatly influenced psychology and the arts
  • Biological Perspective

    Biological Perspective
    Is the influence of biology on our behavior.
    Certain parts of the brain are active when we do certain activities.
  • The Evolutionary Perspective

    The Evolutionary Perspective
    The evolution of behavior and mental processes.
    We evolove to survive.
  • The Cognitive Perspective

    The Cognitive Perspective
    The role that thoughts play in determing behavior.
    Conginitive Psychologist study the mental processes to understand human nature.
  • The Humanistic Perspective

    The Humanistic Perspective
    Stereese the human capacity for self-fulfillment and the importance of consciousness, self-awareness, and the capacityto make choices.
    Believe that peoples personal experiences are the most important aspect of psychology.
  • The Learnng Perspective

    The Learnng Perspective
    Emphasizes the effects of experience on behavior.
    Learning is the essential factors in observing, describing, explaining, predicting, and controlling behavior.
  • The Sociocultural Perspective

    The Sociocultural Perspective
    Studies the influences of ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status on behavior and mental processes.
    Helps people appreciate the cutural heritages and historical issues of various ethnic groups.
  • Plato

    428 B.C.
    Recorded his teachers advice "know thysel". This motto has remained in psychological study ever since.
  • Aristotle

    384 B.C.
    One of Plato's students. He was a Greek philosopher. He outline the laws of associationism. Aristotle showed us that experiences remind of us other experiences in the past that were similar. He believed that people are motivated to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Worte a work called Peri Psyches.