
progression of US invlement in WWII

  • 1940 presidential election

    1940 presidential election
    president Franklin D. Rossevelt was elected for his third term in office.
  • september 1940

    september 1940
    selective training and service act.
  • march 1941

    march 1941
    congress assed the LendLease act. the act said that the president would lend or lease arms and other supplies to any country whose defense was vital to the united states.
  • june 1941

    htiler broke the agreement he had made in 1939. germnay invades the soviet union.
    roosevelt orders U.S. navy to product lend-lease shipments.
  • August 1941

    August 1941
    individual surface attacks by individual U-boats that gave a way to what was know as the wolf pack attack.
  • September 1941

    president roosevelt gave the navy permission for the U.S. warships to attack German U-boats in selfdefense.
  • December 1941

    December 1941
    Roosevelt recieved a decoded message that instructed that Japan peace envoy to reject all American peace proposals. Roosevelt declaed war.