
By Shane4B
  • Creation of Binary Logic

    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz created Binary to show a way of representing a decimal with just ones and zeros. George Boole built off this and created Boolean algebra. These creations allow modern computers to make decisions based on zeros and ones.
  • Analog Calculators

    Created by Vannevar Bush, these were highly complicated machines using belts gears and levers to do calculations before modern computer technology was available.
  • Transistors

    The first point contact transistor was created by John Bardeen and Walter Brattain. A man named Shockley then created a more advanced version called the junction transistor, this forms the basis of most transistors.
  • ALGOL series

    It was created to be close to mathematical notation and read without any explanation and should be possible to use it for the description of computing processes. It was an academic's language making it difficult to understand.
  • Pascal

    It was started in 1968 by Niklaus Wirth, it's creators had no planned on it being widespread so they focused on a debugger and editing.
  • B

    Created for non-numeric applications like system programming. It dealt with logical decision-making and processing of characters.
  • C

    C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs. C is similar to pascal but fixes many of the problems Pascal had. It was developed for Unix and so they work well together.
  • First Personal Computer OS

    A teacher named Gary Kildall wrote an OS called CP/M that provided a gate between the user's programs and the hardware. he realized that this could work on other computers with the same programs.
  • Object Oriented Programming

    Defined objects as pieces of data that the programmer can manipulate. Bjarne Strousstroup added this on to C and developed the basis of C++.
  • C++

    Designed to use the power of C using OOP but be able to run on different types of computers. Now it is used in simulations and games.
  • Macintosh

    Created by apple, the Macintosh was a cheap personal computer designed for people in education and publishing.
  • World Wide Web

    In 1991 the World Wide Web becomes available to the public. the idea of it was pioneered by Vannevar Bush in 1945
  • Handheld Computers

    Handheld Computers are meant to be on the go with people in the workforce. One of the first on the market is the Apple Newton.
  • Java

    Previosly meant for an interactive TV language, that failed leading to Java being used for computers.

    The Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code was developed for non-computer-science students as it is easier to use than FORTRAN