Professional Progress

  • Start PGCE In service course

  • Period: to

    Professional Progress and Experience

  • Began placement at JMU

    Meet with Mentors at John Moores University.
  • Pedagogy and Andragogy

    Useful sources used in researching Androgy and Pedagogy. I found it difficult to fully understand the meaning of the terms used. However after researching online sources from google scholar and Summon i began to understand the differences and meaning.
  • Observation 1

    First observation at John Moores University. Gained experience in teaching in Higher education and recieved valuable feedback from mentors. Reflected on thsi experience and documented action points for development. I was pleased with my use of new technology such as using a doccam and my planning skills. Recieved feedback on structure of the lesson and how to better time a lesson allowing students to reflect after each section to digest information.
  • Micro-Teach

    Planned and delivered a 20 minute lesson. Allowed me to focus on my delivery and communication skills. Received valuable feedback from peers on the PGCE course.
  • Research into modern thinkers

  • Assignment 1

    Researched into the role of a teacher, engaged in theories of learning. Looked in depth at traditional and modern thinkers. This enabled me to understand the legal duties of a teacher and the effectiveness of strong planning and the importance of embedding functional skills aswell as equality and diversity.
  • Began Placement in Liverpool College

    Began placement at the Liverpool Community College.
  • Enabling and Assessing Learning

    Researched into literature relativing to schools of thought such as humanist,behaviourist and cognativist. Enaged with Methods of assessment and looked at methods of formatively and summeratively assessing student progresss. Developed skills in writing in detailed Schemes of work and lesson plans.
  • Observation 2

    Delivered a hour session on cinematography techniques used in film. Recived feedback on how to use effectively lesson starters, classroom management and how to further embed EnD into sessions. Also made aware of allowing students more time to answer questions. I was pleased with my development in planning and use of resources in the lesson.
  • Key Lessons

    Script read through lesson, co taught with mentor, students engaged with reading scripts collabratively, promoted inclusive learning and EnD with mix of charectors in script.
  • Key Lesson

    Students pitched ideas in a hot seat activity, was able to provide students with feedback and support.
  • Observation 3

    Script to screen lesson. Incorpated researched methods and activitys to extend students literacy skills. Promoted class discussion through using mthods of classroom set up. Used new technology such as wireless keyboards for students to engage with and to motivate students. Feedback given: further develop questioning skills and embed numerousy.
  • Observation 4

    Manual Camera Settings. A heavy practical lesson, took lessons out of the classroom to film outside, challenging lesson in organising students. Planned well for the lesson with embedding functional skills however needed to stick to the plan and put these into practise. Development points: Further develop questioning skills and look at methods of assessing students understanding during each section.
  • Professional Skills Presentation

    Researched into technology used in the classroom and the impact it has on student learning. Looked at using online resources as a way of tracking student progress and as a form of assessment. Also looked into promoting inclusive learning through looking at methods and strategies of inclusion. Tried and tested these methods into practise and measured their effectiveness.
  • Key Lessons

    STudents started shooting their films. Assited students on location. Enjoyable and learnt more about grading criteria and graded students organisational and team work skills following grading guidelines. Assessed students practical skills summeratively following from what they had been taught in theory lessons i had delivered.