Prince Henry Royal Patron

By amiles2
  • Jan 1, 1394

    Prince Henry Portuguese Royal Prince Born

    Prince Henry Portuguese Royal Prince Born
    Prine Henry was the son of King John of Portugal and his english wife of Landcaster.
  • Nov 10, 1418

    School of Navigation

    School of Navigation
    About 1418 Prince Henry started the first school of navigationfor oceanic - navigation along with an astronomical observatery at sagres Portugal. In this school people were trained in navigation , map making and science in order to sail down to the west of Africa.
  • Nov 5, 1433

    Gil Eannes

    Gil Eannes
    About 50 leages past the Cape Bojador they entered a large bay and saw a caravan of men and camels.Eannes named the river Rio de ouro.
  • May 31, 1434

    Exploring west Africa

    Exploring west Africa
    At this time no europeans had sailed the treacherous Cape Bojador and returned alive. Prince Henry sent 14 expeditions there and over 12 years,tring to go futher than Cape bojador,he convinced Gil Eannes to try and Eannes succeed in 1434.
  • Dec 8, 1435


    In 1435 again rounding Cape bojador and sailing south he sailed with Alfonso Galcalves
  • Aug 4, 1441

    Goncalves and Tristao

    Goncalves and Tristao
    in 1441 Prince Henry became involved in slave trade when Antao Goncalves returned from Rio De Ouro with captives. Nuno Tristao reached Cabo Blaco that same year.
  • Mar 7, 1455

    Alvise da Cadamosto

    Alvise da Cadamosto
    Many years later,in 1455,Prince Henry sent the Venetian navigator Alvise da cadamosto on two expeditons. On the first,Cadamosto reached the mouth of Gambia River.On the second, 1456 cadamosto sailed up the Gambia River to the Geba River.
  • Oct 6, 1460

    Diogo Gomes

    Diogo Gomes
    In 1458,Prince Henry sent diogo Gomes on a expedition,this sailed
    as far as Cape Palmas. Prince Henry died in 1460.