Prince Henry

By crobb
  • Feb 5, 1420

    Prince Henry's goal

    Prince Henry goal was to find a route to the rich spices
  • Feb 13, 1420

    school for sailors

    Desprite the creation of the caravel and knowledge shared at his school for sailors
  • Feb 24, 1420

    beyond cape bojodor

    Prince Henry had a great deal difficultyhis captains to sail beyond cape bojodor
  • Mar 3, 1420

    The Ledgend

    According to the ledgend beyond this point in an area known as the "green sea of darkness" the sun was so close to earth that a persons skin would turn black
  • Mar 23, 1420

    His ships on missions

    Prince Henry intensified the explorers of Africa sending 30 and 40 of his ships on mission
  • Apr 9, 1420

    Last voyage

    The last voyage sponsored by Prince Henry sailed over 1'500 miles down the African coast
  • Apr 15, 1420

    the mid 1400s

    although Prince Henry never sailed on the expodition the voyages that he paid for in the mid-1400s
  • Apr 19, 1420

    the indies

    Prince Henry helped launch portugal into the front of the race to find a sea route to the indies