
  • Period: to

    George Washington

    Number President: 1st President
    Political Party: Federalist
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Ratification of the Constitution
    National Bank creation
    Bill of Rights
    Proclamation of Neutrality
    Jefferson resignation
    Citizen Genet
    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Jay’s Treaty
    Whiskey Rebellion
    Washington’s Farewell Address
  • Period: to

    John Adams

    Number President: 2nd President
    Political Party: Federalist
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    XYZ Affair
    Alien and Sedition Acts
    Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions
    Revolution of 1800
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    Number President: 3rd President
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Marbury v. Madison
    Louisiana Purchase
    Lewis and Clark
    Cumberland Road
    The Embargo Act
    Chesapeake Leopard Affair
    The Non-Intercourse Act
  • Period: to

    James Madison

    Number President: 4th President
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Barbary Pirates
    Macon's Bill Number 2
    Battle of Tippecanoe
    War of 1812
    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    Treaty of Ghent
    Battle of New Orleans
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    Number President: 5th President
    Political Party: Democratic-Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Rush-Bagot Agreement
    First Seminole War
    Panic of 1819
    Adams-Onis Treaty
    McCulloch vs. Maryland
    Missouri Compromise
    Monroe Doctrine
    Tariff of 1824
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Adams

    Number President: 6th President
    Political Party: Whigs
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Corrupt Bargain
    Tariff of Abominations
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    Number President: 7th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Indian Removal Act
    South Carolina Exposition and Protest
    Veto of Maysville Road bill
    Veto of 2nd Bank of the United States
    Nullification Crisis
    Force Bill
    Specie Circular
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

    Number President: 8th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Panic of 1837
    End of Aroostook War(led to Webster Ashburton Treaty)
  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison

    Number President: 9th President
    Political Party: Whigs
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served(died after 1 month)
    Events During Presidency:
    Die from pneumonia
  • Period: to

    John Tyler

    Number President: 10th President
    Political Party: Whigs(Democrat policies)
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Commonwealth v. Hunt
    Webster-Ashburton Treaty
    Texas Annexation
  • Period: to

    James K. Polk

    Number President: 11th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    1st Wave of Immigration
    “Manifest Destiny”
    Mexican-American War
    Tariff of 1846
    Mormon migration
    Gold Rush begins
    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    Seneca Falls Convention
  • Period: to

    Zachary Taylor

    Number President: 12th President
    Political Party: Whigs
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served(died after 1 year)
    Events During Presidency:
    Compromise of 1850
    Dies in office from sickness
  • Period: to

    Millard Filmore

    Number President: 13th President
    Political Party: Whigs
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Fugitive Slave Bill
    Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  • Period: to

    Franklin Pierce

    Number President: 14th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    “Bleeding Kansas”
    Gadsden Purchase
    Treaty of Kanagawa
    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Ostend Manifesto
  • Period: to

    James Buchanan

    Number President: 15th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Comstock Lode
    Dred Scott decision
    Harper’s Ferry
    South Caroline secedes
    Confederacy created
  • Period: to

    Abraham Lincoln

    Number President: 16th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served(died about a month later)
    Events During Presidency:
    Fort Sumter
    Morrill Tariff
    Civil War
    Emancipation Proclamation
    Monitor v Merrimac
    Gettysburg Address
    13th Amendment
    Freedmen’s Bureau created
    Surrender at Appomattox court house
    Dies from Confederate shooter
  • Period: to

    Andrew Johnson

    Number President: 17th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Johnson grants amnesty to Confederates
    Black Codes
    Veto of Civil Rights Act
    14th Amendment
    Military Reconstruction
    “Seward’s Icebox”- Alaska acquired
    Obtained Midway Islands
    Violates of Tenure of Office Act
    Impeached, but trial fails
  • Period: to

    Ulysses S. Grant

    Number President: 18th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    15th Amendment
    Voting Rights and the KKK
    Indian Appropriation Act
    Ku Klux Klan Act
    Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed
    Crime of 1873
    Credit Mobilier
    Panic of 1873]
    Women’s Christian Temperance Union
    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    Battle of Little Bighorn
  • Period: to

    Rutherford B. Hayes

    Number President: 19th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Withdrawal of military from south
    Great Railroad Strike of 1877
    Knights of Labor
    Bland-Allison Act
    Limits Chinese immigration
  • Period: to

    James A Garfield

    Number President: 20th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served(died about 6 months later)
    Events During Presidency:
    Dies to disgruntled patronage promised person
  • Period: to

    Chester A. Arthur

    Number President: 21st President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Civil Service Reform Act
    Statue of Liberty presented
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

    Number President: 22nd President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served(separately)
    Events During Presidency:
    Presidential Succession Act
    Acceptance of statue of liberty
    American Federation of Labor
    Dawes Act
    Chinese Exclusion Act
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Harrison

    Number President: 23rd President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Berlin Conference
    First Pan-American Conference
    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    McKinley Tariff
    Chilean Conflict
    Ultimatum with Chile
    Homestead Steel Strike
    Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii deposed
    Attempt to annex Hawaii
  • Period: to

    Grover Cleveland

    Number President: 24th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served(separately)
    Events During Presidency:
    Panic of 1893
    Sherman Silver Purchase Act
    Coxey’s Army
    Pullman Strike
    Venezuela Boundary Dispute
    Recognition of the Republic of Hawaii
  • Period: to

    William McKinley

    Number President: 25th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served(died about 6 months later)
    Events During Presidency:
    Klondike (Alaskan) Gold Rush
    Dingley Tariff
    USS Maine explodes
    De Lome’s Letter
    Volunteer Army Riders
    Spanish American War
    Hawaii annexed
    Treaty of Paris
    Open Door Notes
    Platt Amendment
    Philippine Insurrection ends
  • Period: to

    Theodore Roosevelt

    Number President: 26th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Big Stick Diplomacy
    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Coal Miners Strike
    Funding of Panama Canal
    Hay-Buneau-Varilla Treaty
    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Portsmouth Treaty
    NAACP formed
    Meat Inspection Act
    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Panic of 1907
    Great White Fleet
    Restrictions on Japanese Immigration
  • Period: to

    William Howard Taft

    Number President: 27th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Payne Aldrich Tariff Act
    Pinchot-Ballinger Controversy
    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    Standard Oil Trust Busted
    Socialist Party formed
    8 hour work days authorized
    16th Amendment
  • Period: to

    Woodrow Wilson

    Number President: 28th President
    Political Party: Democrat
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    17th Amendment
    Federal Reserve Act
    World War I
    Clayton Antitrust Act
    Sinking of the Lusitania
    John Pershing chases Pancho Villa
    “Sussex Pledge”
    Zimmerman Telegram
    Committee on Public Information
    Selective Service Act
    18th Amendment
    “14 Points” Address
    Espionage and Sedition Acts
    Schenck v. the United States
    19th Amendment
    Treaty of Versailles
    Strikes of 1919
  • Period: to

    Warren G. Harding

    Number President: 29th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served(died after 2 years)
    Events During Presidency:
    Emergency Quota Act
    Washington Conference
    Teapot Dome Scandal
    Volstead Act
  • Period: to

    Calvin Coolidge

    Number President: 30th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Dawes Plan
    Scopes Trial
    Charles Lindbergh completes his flight
    Sacco and Venzetti executed
    Kellogg-Briand Pact
  • Period: to

    Herbert Hoover

    Number President: 31st President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Black Thursday and Black Tuesday
    Smoot-Hawley Tariff
    Al Capone convicted
    Amelia Earhart completes flight
    Bonus March
  • Period: to

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Number President: 32nd President
    Political Party: Democratic
    Terms Served/Years Served: 4 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Bank Holiday
    Fireside Chats
    Federal Emergency Relief Act
    Hundred Days
    Tydings McDuffee Act
    Alphabet Soup
    Yalta Conference
    Iwo Jima
  • Period: to

    Harry S. Truman

    Number President: 33rd President
    Political Party: Democratic
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Potsdam Conference
    Atomic Bombs
    Employment of 1946
    Containment Policy
    Taft-Hartley Act
    Berlin Airlift
    Desegregation of the Military
    Fair Deal
    Second Red Scare
    Korean War
  • Period: to

    Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Number President: 34th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Age of Conformity, Highways
    Departments of Health, Education, Welfare
    Korean Armistice
    Brown v. Topeka Board of Education
    Vietnam Conflict
    Geneva Convention
    Civil Rights nonviolent protests
    Eisenhower Doctrine
    Space Race begins
    Civil Rights Act of 1957, 1960
    Cuban Revolution
  • Period: to

    John F. Kennedy

    Number President: 35th President
    Political Party: Democratic
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served(died after 2 years)
    Events During Presidency:
    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    Space Race
    James Meredith
    Cuban Missile Crisis
    March on Washington
  • Period: to

    Lyndon B. Johnson

    Number President: 36th President
    Political Party: Democratic
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    24th Amendment
    Great Society
    Barry Goldwater emerges
    Freedom Summers
    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Vietnam escalation
    Selma March
    Malcolm X and MLK Jr. Assassinations
    Voting Rights Act
    Civil Rights Act
    Watts Riots
    Tet Offensive
    Credibility Gap
  • Period: to

    Richard Nixon

    Number President: 37th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Nixon Doctrine
    Moon Landing
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Clean Air Bill
    Pentagon Papers
  • Period: to

    Gerald Ford

    Number President: 38th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Nixon pardoning
    WIN campaign
    Airstrikes in Cambodia
  • Period: to

    Jimmy Carter

    Number President: 39th President
    Political Party: Democratic
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Camp David Accords
    Iranian Hostage Crisis
    Carter Doctrine
  • Period: to

    Ronald Reagan

    Number President: 40th President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Iran hostages released
    Sandra Day O’Connor gets elected
    Invasion of Grenada
    Iran-Contra Affair
    Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
  • Period: to

    George H.W. Bush

    Number President: 41st President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 1 term served
    Events During Presidency:
    Arms Reduction Agreement
    Berlin Wall falls
    Americans with Disabilities Act
    Persian Gulf War
    Operation Desert Storm
    Clean Air Act
    Panama Invasion
    Tiananmen Square
  • Period: to

    Bill Clinton

    Number President: 42nd President
    Political Party: Democratic
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
    Ruth Bader Ginsberg
    Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
    Battle of Mogadishu
    Israel-Jordan Talks
    Oklahoma City Bombings
    Balancing the Budget
    Monica Lewinsky affair
  • Period: to

    George W. Bush

    Number President: 43rd President
    Political Party: Republican
    Terms Served/Years Served: 2 terms served
    Events During Presidency:
    Bush v. Gore
    Operation Enduring Freedom
    No Child Left Behind
    Hurricane Katrina
    Stock market crash
  • Period: to

    Barack Obama

  • Period: to

    Donald Trump

  • Period: to

    Joseph Biden