
Presidential Nomination Process Timeline

  • Iowa Primary Election

    Iowa Primary Election
    the first republician primary
  • Oath of Office

    Oath of Office
    when a president takes before undertaking the duties of an office
  • Super Tuesday

    Super Tuesday
    A day on which several US states hold primary elections
  • Texas

    When a president or governer tries goes to a state and try to get margority of their votes
  • 2012 Republician National Convention

    2012 Republician National Convention
    When The Republician gives out a speech for aht he's going to do to make america better
  • 2012 Democratic National Convention

    2012 Democratic National Convention
    When the people knows who nominating for presidentcy
  • Presidential General Election

    Presidential General Election
    When the counters count the votes to see who will be President