President timeline

  • George Washington: Judiciary Act

    As following the Judiciary act, John Jay was elected along with 5 associates, James, William, John, John Rutledge and James Iredell by Washington.
  • Period: to

    George Washington

    Hes from Westmoreland VA.
    Minimal formal education (local school in Virginia)
    Was the Major General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army
    Augustine Washington,
    Mary Bell Washington, Siblings: Lawrence, John Augustine, Mildred, Betty, Samuel, Charles, Jane, Butler, Augustine Jr. Whiskey Rebellion, Judiciary Act, established his first bank, set up his own presidential cabinet. and, he singed the copyrights law.
    Naval Act, Slave trade act; 1794, Slave act; 1793, Naturalization, Tennessee.
  • George Washington: Copyrights law

    This law was used to control ownership, use and distribution of creative and expressed work.
  • The Bank of Washington

    George established his first national bank of Washington in Washington DC. This is important because this leads to bank failure and acquired the Riggs bank.
  • George Washington: Presidents Cabinet.

    George developed the Cabinet system by asking the heads of 3 executive departments to discuss importance & report on their departments work.
  • George Washington 2.0: Fugitive Slave Act of 1793

    Provided for seizure and return of runaway slaves who escaped from one state or into a federal territory,
  • George Washington: Whiskey rebellion

    Farmers rose up from Pennsylvania to protest against unfair taxation. This is important because they ended up approving a new federal tax on spirits and the stills producing them.
  • George Washington 2.0: Slave Trade Act of 1794

    prohibited exporting slaves from the US to any foreign place or country.
  • George Washington 2.0; Naval Act

    This was important because it introduced the US Navy (6frigates, 4 of 44 guns, & 2 of 36 guns to be built or purchased.)
  • George Washington 2.0: Naturalization Act of 1795

    Established rules to be followed granting national citizenship
  • George Washington 2.0: Tennessee

    Washington signed a bill giving Tennessee immediate statehood which is important because they're the 16th to join the US
  • Period: to

    John Adams

    From Braintree, MA
    Was a Harvard-educated lawyer.
    Head of the war in Ordnance Board.
    1. Delegate to the Continental congress. 2. US minister to the Netherlands. 3. US minister to Great Britain. 4. Vice President of the United States
    Abigail Addams
    John Quincy, Charles, Thomas, Susanna, Abigail Smith. Negotiating with France, making a malitia, 11th amendment, Mississippi territory, preparing for war, Alien Act, Victory against France, Treaty of Amity, Washington becomes Capital.
  • John Adams; Negotiating with France.

    Adams appoints a 3 man commission; Charles Pinckney, Elbridge Gerry, and John Marshall. It was important because they negotiated to make a settlement with France.
  • John Adams; Making a Malitia

    Adams is authorized by congress to raise a malitia of 80,000 men for defensive purposes in case of war.
  • John Adams; 11th amendment

    11th amendment was declared by Adams; federal courts shall not have the jurisdiction over litigation from on from one state and one from another state.
  • John Adams; Mississippi territory

    Congress establishes the gov. for the new Mississippi territory, Adams appoints native Winthrop Sergeant as governor and selects Natchez to serve at its first capital.
  • John Adams; Alien Act

    Granting the president power to deport any alien he deemed potentially dangerous of the country's safety.
  • John Adams; preparing for war

    Adams enlists 10,000 men for service in case of declaration of war/ invasion.
  • John Adams; Victory against France.

    The US Navy scores its first victory against France when the frigate Constellation captures the French ship L'Insurgente near the island of St. Kitts.
  • John Adams; Treaty of Amity

    US concludes a treaty between the US and Prussia in Berlin
  • John Adams; Washington becomes Capital.

    Washington becomes the official capital of the US where Adams moved into in November
  • Period: to

    Thomas Jefferson

    Born in Shadwell, VA
    The College of William & Mary
    Was a colonel in Virginia Malitia
    Vice president, US secretary, US Ambassador of France, delegate, Governor.
    Wife: Martha. Kids: Martha, Madison, Harriet, Eston, Beverly, Mary, Lucy, Lucy II, & Jane
    Excise taxes repealed, Enabling Act, Ohio, Louisiana Purchase, 12th amendment
    British seize ships, Lewis & Clark, National Road, Embargo Act.
  • Excise Taxes are repealed

    Infamous excise taxes on commodities such as whiskey are repealed.
  • Enabling Act

    establishing procedures under which territories organized under the Ordinance of 1787 can become a state. The law effectively authorizes people of the Ohio territory to hold a convention and frame a constitution.
  • Ohio

    Ohio officially becomes the seventeenth state of the Union. It is the first state to prohibit slavery by law at its inception.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    representatives from the United States and France signed the Louisiana Purchase Treaty. The terms of the agreement gave all of the Louisiana territory from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains to the United States.
  • 12th amendment

    Motivated by the infamous election of 1800, Congress passes the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution, requiring electors to vote for President and vice president separately. This ends the tradition of the runner up in a presidential race becoming vice president and prevents chances for a deadlock tie.
  • British seize ships

    The British justify seizure of American ships in neutral ports with the invocation of the Rule of 1756.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific after a perilous journey of nearly eighteen months and 4,000 miles. They arrived back in St. Louis two-and-a-half years after they began their expedition to explore the Louisiana Territory and the Pacific Northwest.
  • Embargo Act

    modified and authorized by President Jefferson, now permits vessels to transport American goods from foreign ports.
  • Period: to

    James Madison

    1.Birthplace: Port Conway, Virginia
    2.Education: College of New Jersey
    3.Military Service: None
    4.Previous Offices: Secretary of State under Thomas Jefferson
    5.Family: Married to Dolley Madison, no children of his own
    6. Father of the Constitution author of the Bill of Rights, and led the nation during the war of 1812
  • Period: to

    James Monroe

    1.Birthplace:Westmoreland County, Virginia
    2.Education: College of William and Mary
    3.Military Service: Revolutionary War Service
    4.Previous Offices: Secretary of State, Secretary of War , Governor of Virginia
    5.Family: Married to Elizabeth Monroe, three children
    6.Issued the Monroe Doctrine, acquired Florida from Spain, oversaw the Era of good Feelings
  • Period: to

    John Quincy Addams

    1.Birthplace: Braintree, Massachusetts(Quincy)
    2.Education: Harvard University
    3.Military service: None
    4.Previous Offices: secretary of state under James Monroe, Minister to Russia, Minister to the Netherlands, U.S Senator
    5.Family: Married to Louisa Adams, four children
    6.Negotiated treaty of Ghent which ended war of 1812
  • Period: to

    Andrew Jackson

    Born in Waxhaw's
    Sporadic education but went read law to become a lawyer
    Major general in US army
    Representative, Senator, Federal Military commissioner
    Wife: Rachel Jackson. Kids: Lyncoya, Andrew Jr., Andrew Hutchings.
    Indian Removal Act, Jackson vetoes Maysville Road Bill, Peggy Eaton Affair, Jackson opposes Second Bank of the US, Jackson wins reelections, Nullification Proclamation, Force Bill, declare independence,
  • Andrew Jackson; Indian Removal Act

    The forcible relocation of Creek, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Seminole tribes to land allotments west of the Mississippi river onto reservations.
  • Jackson Vetoes Maysville Road Bill

    the federal government's purchase of stock for the creation of a road entirely within Kentucky. its important because it indicates a shift in how the federal government intends to pay for internal improvements. Meanwhile, opponents interpret the move as an abuse of power.
  • Jackson; Peggy Eaton Affair

    Members of Jackson's inner circle and their wives feud over accusations about the woman's alleged behavior. Jackson supports the Eatons and is outraged by the charges.
  • Jackson opposes Second bank of the US

    The Second Bank of the United States was created in the aftermath of the War of 1812.
  • Jackson wins reelections

    Jackson wins reelection to the presidency, soundly defeating Henry Clay and William Wirt
  • Andrew Jackson; Nullification Proclamation

    states and municipalities are forbidden from nullifying federal laws. He also threatened to enforce the proclamation with the use of federal arms. He believed the federal government was the supreme power in the United States and he was willing to use the military to ensure its supremacy.
  • Jackson's Force Bill

    Congress passes the Force Bill, authorizing Jackson's use of the army to gain compliance for federal law in South Carolina. Vice President Calhoun voices his dissent.
  • Jackson declares independence

    In Washington, D.C., the delegates of the people of Texas officially and unanimously declare their independence.
  • Period: to

    Martin Van Buren

    Birthplace: Kinderhook, New York
    Education: No formal education, studied law 3.Military Service: None 4.Previous Offices: Vice President under Andrew Jackson, Governor of New York 5.Family: Married to Hannah Van Buren four children 6.Established the Democratic Party's modern organizational structure
  • Period: to

    William Henry Harrison

    MAR 4, 1839 – APR 4, 1845
    William Henry Harrison
    1.Birthplace:Charles City County, Virginia
    2.Education:attended Hampden-Sydney college
    3.Military Service: Served as a general in the war of 1812
    4:Previous Offices: Governor of Indiana Territory
    5.Family:Married to Anna Tuthill
    6.Led US Forces in the battle of Tippecanoe