
President Eisenhower

  • Eisenhower's Election

    Dwight D. Eisenhower wins his first term for president, beating the Democratic nominee, Adlai Stevenson.
  • The Speech for Peace

    Just months into his presidency, Ike delivered a speech "underscoring the potential human cost of the Cold War to both sides. Hoping to strike a more conciliatory tone with Georgi Malenkov, Eisenhower suggested the Soviets cease their brazen expansion of territory and influence in exchange for American cooperation and goodwill." (America's Experience). Also in this speech, he addressed that they should let Germany vote for unification and the Korean armistice. So, the Soviets said no.
  • The End of the Korean War

    Eisenhower adopted a policy toward the communists in Korea. "He suggested that he would 'unleash' the Nationalist Chinese forces on Taiwan against communist China." ( Staff). Eisenhower also threatened to use any force necessary, including nuclear weapons, though it was not widely known. Finally, after two years of tiring war, China finally agreed to the terms and to sign the armistice.
  • The Clay Committee's Report

    Eisenhower asked his friend and advisor, General Lucius D. Clay, to head a committee. When Eisenhower submitted the report along with legislative proposals to Congress, it was almost immediately shut down by most of Congress. This was one of his first obstacles of passing the bill ("Highway History").
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Though the Supreme Court ruled this decision for desegregation, Eisenhower was skeptical to get involved in civil rights-related incidents. Though he did not necessarily agree, as President he upheld his duty to enforce the ruling.
  • The Geneva Summit

    Eisenhower proposed a plan to Joseph Stalin's successor, Georgi Malenkov, called the Open Skies proposal.This was his second attempt at resolving relations with the Soviets, which they again denied. Eisenhower wasn't surprised though, the proposal had more benefits for the United States than it did for the Union.
  • Interstate Highway System

    Eisenhower signed and passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. He wanted to keep the country unified even in times of war, so this was said to be his favorite accomplishment of his. (United States National Park Service).
  • The Little Rock Nine

    Integrating Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas was a challenge for the community and the rest of the country. Desegregation was not a well talked about topic. Although skeptical, Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort them to their classes after being harassed and bullied for their color.
  • Balancing the Budget

    With Democrats winning most the midterm elections in 1958, balancing the budget seemed next to impossible. The most interesting budget battle of the year involved a major housing bill. First, Congress passed a version that exceeded Eisenhower's initial request. Since Democrats were sensitive to being labeled “big spenders,” they reduced the bill. Ike ended up vetoing it anyways, thinking it would contribute to bigger spending in the future. He vetoed their bills twice before finally accepting.