Political Parties Project

  • Federalists

    • Alexander Hamilton started the Federalists political party
    • people who wanted a stronger government in the U.S. chose the Federalists party
    • to reach his goal of having federalists, he builded supporters in Congress
  • Democratic

    • the donkey symbol appeared by the democratic name in 1870
    • in the 1960's, the democratic party opposed the african americans in gaining their civil rights
    • By 1877, the democratic party controlled the southern states
  • Republican

    • Republicans believe in power and oppurtunity for America's free market society
    • In 1860, the Republican Party was the major political party when Lincoln was elected
    • The elephant symbol evolved to show republican strength
  • Libertarian Party

    • 3rd largest party in the U.S.
    • they believe in individual liberty and economic freedom
    • they also strongly believe to make decisions for themselves
  • Anti-Federalist Party

    • Anti-Federalists were people that didn't approve of the Constitution
    • the Anti-Federalists were afraid that the government would eventually control the whole U.S.
    • Anti-Federalists were usually in the western region of the U.S.
  • Green Party

    • has made state affiliate parties and were successful
    • canidates come from local, state, and federal
    • their mission is to make humans and nature live together in harmony