Political Participation

  • Federalists

    Federalists were the party of the rich and well born
  • Anti Federalists

    Anti Federalists believed in a strict construction view of the constitution led by Jefferson
  • Democratic- Republicans

    Democratic- Republicans were unopposed in government until mid 1820s
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    political movement toward greater democracy for the common man
  • Republicans

    Democrats were crippled by the war so Republicans ran the country for the next 75 years
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    they were southerners, small farmers, organized labor, and big city political organizations
  • Modern Republicans

    increase military spending
    taxes shouldn't be increased
    opposed abortion
    believed in individual rights and the justice should rule supreme
  • Modern Democrats

    open to change
    favor minimum wage and progressive tax
    decreased military spending
    support abortion
    believe in community and that people should be socially responsible