Political Participation

  • Federalist Party was Founded.

    With leaders such as Alexander Hamilton seeking a stronger central government, they formed the first Federalist Party.
  • Anti-Federalist Party was Formed.

    In order to oppose Hamilton and Federalist Party, the likes of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison formed the Anti-Federalist Party one year later.
  • Democratic Republicans

    Also known as Jeffersonian Republicans, this group was inspired from the ideas that prompted the French Revolution.
  • Fall of the Federalist Party

    With the end of the Civil War, many Americans viewed Federalists as Traitors and thus caused the destruction of the party.
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    Lead by Andrew Jackson, this new movement attempted to give even further rights to the common man.
  • Lincoln Republicans

    Term for a breed of republicans that arose following President Abraham Lincoln's election in 1860.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    Following his election, Roosevelt's form of democracy spread which highlighted increased rights for women and also stood against big business in the nation.
  • Official start of Modern Republican and Democratic Parties

    The two party system officially gains more ground and the traces of current forms of both parties are traced back to here.