Pigeon post (Stella)

  • Period: to

    Pigeon post

  • Period: to

    Pigeon post

  • S.S Wairarapa

    The S.S Wairarapa set of for a 5 day trip from Sydney to Auckland with 250 passengers and crew aboard.
    When came the twenty -nineth came the boat was still going rather than reaching thier destination. On the 1st of november the people on board relised the dreadful truth, the S.S Wairarapa had plounged into the cliffs of great barrier island.
    The pigeons helped derliver messages from great barrier island to the ship reck for the communication.
  • The first pigeon message

    On january the 29th 1896 Walter fricker's bird Ariel carried the first pigeon messagefrom great barrier island to ackland. It took just under one and a half hours.
  • The first regular pigeon mail service

    The first regular pigeon mail service started in 1897. messages were written or typed on very light pieces of tissue paper.
  • Pigeon mail service no longer

    The pigeon mail service finised in 1908 because a telegragh link was opened between great barrier island and the mainland and the mainland.
  • World war one

    In world war one, the pigeons were found in the front lines of the battle. Pigeons could often get through when all other means of communication had failed.
  • world war one ends

    But many people died and everyone hates awful events like this.
  • World war two

    In world war 2 the pigeons were found in the front lines of the battle. Pigeons could often get through when all means of communication had failed.
  • World war 2 ends

    But many people died and everyone hates awful events like this.