Developmental Psychology

  • Emotional Development

    What was my temperament like as a baby?
    I never really cried when I was a baby. If food and tv was there I would be content.
  • Physical/ Biological Development

    When did I did start walking?
    I was 15 months old when I started walking
  • Emotional Development

    was I securely/insecurely attached to my primary caregiver?
    I was securely attached with my mother and did not cry when my mother left the room.
  • Cognitive Development

    What sort of interest did I have as a young child (2-4)?
    I was interested in stuffed animals
  • Cognitive Development

    Does this fit with the research on children's concept formation and categorization?
    No, because I did somethings boys would do and somethings what girls would do.
  • Cognitive Development

    What is one way I remember my parents and/or a teacher acting in a way that I know helped my language acquisition?
    My mother use to read to me and I had a teacher that would help me pronounce words.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    Physical/Biological Development
    How often did I get Physical exercise? (Childhood early-late)
    I would play outside and I did a few sports.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    What sort of Activities did I do? (childhood early- late)
    I did horse-back-riding, recesses, and gymnastics
  • Physical/Biological Development

    What were my feelings regarding physical activity? (Childhood early-late)
    I loved running around and doing physical activities.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    Gross/Fine Moto skills?
    Gross motor skills: played kickball
    Fine motor skills: trying to learn how to play guitar
  • Cognitive Development

    concrete operational stage. (childhood)
    In my science class we learned to observe flowers and identify all their parts.
  • Emotional development

    How did family and friends/teachers describes me as a child? Was this the same or different from my infant temperament?
    I was shy and did not have too many friends. I was bossy. I was not like this as an infant.
  • Physical/Biological development

    Did I enter puberty early or late? And did I think it would have an effect on me?
    I entered late but I really did not have any effect towards that.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    What sort of activities did I do? (adolescence)
    I did P.E, Volleyball and workouts at gym.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    How often did I get Physical exercise? (Adolescence)
    I would get physical activity often but not all the time
  • Physical/Biological Development

    Physical/Biological Development
    What were my feeling regarding physical activities (adolescence)
    I loved doing physical activities but not as much as I did when I was younger.
  • Cognitive Development

    Describe an experience that made me aware of a certain concept of intelligence(e.g testing in school being called smart for something accomplishment or the opposite)?
    My high school councilor called me retarded and that I should just get my GED in front of my parents because of my dyslexia.
  • Cognitive development

    How did this affect the way I thought about Intelligence and myself?
    It discourage me at first but I wanted to prove to my councilor that she was wrong and I did.
  • Cognitive Development

    In high school I used formal operational stage when having to do a chemistry project and I still think I'm in this stage even in college
  • Cognitive development

    What was this concept of intelligence?
    I had the capacity to learn the material without being taught
  • Emotional Development

    How would Sternberg have describe my most important relationship in adolescence?
    I was attached to my friends and would do things with them. I was secured with them.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    How often did I get physical exercise? (adulthood)
    I get physical activity whenever I can.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    What sort of activities did I do?
    going to the gym: weight lifting and cardio
  • Emotional Development

    Think of my closest relationship now, whether that's a friend, family member, or romantic partner. How would I describe the attachment style?
    I am at an avoidant attachment with a friend because of the way I was treated. which makes me not trust her.
  • Phyiscal/Biological development

    what were my feelings regarding Physical activity?
    I love working out whenever I can. It makes me feel good
  • Cognitive development

    As an adult I use abstract thinking in science classes that require some type of formal operational stage.
  • Emotional Development

    What classification of Sternberg's relationship is most appropriate now?
    Sternberg's most important classification on love would be commitment.
  • Physical/Biological Development

    Gross/fine motor skills
    Gross motor skills: weight lifting
    Fine motor skills: Typing on a computer
  • Physical/Biological Development

    What is my current level of physical activity?
    I love doing intense workouts. love a good challenge