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PETA Organization Timeline

  • PETA is Formed

    PETA is Formed
    PETA was organized to protect the right of animals and they protested in the first World Day for Laboratory Animal rights in Washington D.C.
  • PETA Success

    PETA Success
    PETA protest the Silver Spring Laboratory in Maryland that tests on Monkeys. After claiming that the monkeys were being abused and finding evidence of such, they caused the first ever swarms of police on a laboratory.
  • PETA Fights

    PETA Fights
    PETA makes legal history when being the first for filing for a lawsuit to be the guardians of animals that were tested on.
  • Exposed Texas Slaughter House

    Exposed Texas Slaughter House
    PETA is doing more and more when exposing a cruel Texas slaughter house that mangled horses. The property was soon shut down.
  • PETA and the Music

    PETA and the Music
    The president of the PETA organization, President Ingrid Newkirk, gives a speak at a PETA held music festival to over 35,000 people about animal rights. This puts them on the pop-culter map and was even recognized by MTV
  • PETA Prevails

    PETA Prevails
    The "Silver Spring monkey" case reaches the Supreme court and becomes the first animal rights case to reach the supreme court. The case resulted in a unanimous decision to benefit PETA.
  • The Big One

    The Big One
    The iconic "Rather Be Naked Than Wear Fur" campaign is launched in Tokyo Japan outside a Fur expo and reached major publicity and spread around the world.
  • Law Making

    Law Making
    PETA manages to persuade the Taiwan government to pass it's first ever law against animal cruelty.
  • PETA against NASA

    PETA against NASA
    NASA cancels a 1.75 million dollar project and saves the lives of squirrel monkeys to be tested on as a result to the protest of the PETA organization.
  • PETA Collaborating

    PETA Collaborating
    PETA teams up with the EPA to limit the amount of animals being tested on in laboratories around the world.