Period 2

  • The Mayflower Compact

    A set of laws created by the pilgrims in Plymouth to live by in the New World. It was the first version of a Constitution in the Americas.
  • The Navigation Act

    A mercantilist policy that declared colonies could use ships and crew that were English. It was used to limit the colonies control of themselves and allow England to benefit as much as possible.
  • Salem Witch Trails

    The trails began in Salem, home of the Puritan community. The Trails began because children in the town began to act irrationally. The behavior of the children led to a witch hunt were women for oftenly were put on trial for being a witch and hung.
  • The Zenger Case

    A case run by a publisher in New York about their Governor and his less favorable side. The story at the tim went against English law, but ultimately paved the way for the First Amendment.
  • The Great Awakening

    The Churches began to collapse and ministers lost their authority. The people had begun to fear God and confess their sins in the hope of being saved, while also gaining a more independent relationship with God, without the Church.