Peer Mentoring - Jane

  • Initial Meeting

    Discussing project requirements and ideas.
  • Weekly Meeting

    Started working with Prezi - created the first part of a Prezi for english notes.//It worked well in class (2/27).
    Discussed SmartBoard options.
    Discussed using the online gradebook system.
  • Investigate SMART Board/projector possibilities

    Look into the possibilities of getting a SMART board and projector permanently into the classroom.
  • Weekly Meeting

    Added to Prezi english notes.

    Discussed needs for math games - I need to find some for Nora to use with her class.
    Discussed SmartBoard possibilities - will work on installing 'old' software next week, will have to borrow a projector.
  • Intial look at software programs.

    We're going to look at how Nora might use GoogleDocs for herself and some interactives/games for her students to use.
  • Weekly Meeting

    Introduced Nora to to use with youtube vidoes. Worked a few kinks out of a new prezi presentation. Guided her as she put links to youtube videos in a Powepoint. Looked at online multplication games. Discussed needs for animal research project.
  • Improved PowerPoint and/or Prezi notes in use

    Nora wants to 'spice' up her Power Point notes and is interested in learning to use Prezi. By this time, she should have created some improved notes to share with her students.
  • Weekly Meeting

    We looked at websites students could use as starting points and as resources for their animal book project.
    Tried to work with SMART Board software, but the disc drive on Nora's classroom computer is not working - it will not be fixed or replaced so we are not going to be working with the SMART boards.
  • Research project tools

    Have tools in place for student's animal research project.
  • No weekly meeting

    Nora had conferences so we did not meet.
  • No weekly meeting

    School not in session this week for Spring Break.
  • Review software programs

    Review use of interactives/games.
  • Weekly Meeting

    Simple ways to do some formattingin Word to help students create their animal book project.
    Looked at some online simulations (for electical circuits) for Nora to use either as demonstrations or for the students to use.
  • Final review of project

    Final review of all aspects of the proejct to see what worked and how to keep things going for Nora.