
  • Sallie Miner is killed

    (Unstated exact date becides that it was five years ago)
  • Hildy's father dies in a car crash

    (Unstated exact date becides that it was four years ago)
  • Period: to

    Timespan of Peeled

  • Apple Blossom Queen is crowned

  • Period: to

    Signs go up saying, "Danger to all ye who enter", "The domicile of doom", and "Armageddon"

  • Attemted break-in at the Ludlow house

  • Sign saying, "You didn't think it was safe, did you?"

  • Man had a heart attack in the appple grove adjacent to Ludlow house

  • Psychic Madame Zobek moves to Banesville

  • Ghost sighting and a sign that says,"Guess what's next?"

  • Homecoming