Past to present: Arizona's immigration policy

By jthall3
  • Jefferson's Prediction

    Jefferson's Prediction
    Thomas Jefferson predicted that Latinos were beyond "maintaining a free civil government."
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    President Monroe issues the Monroe Doctrine to gaurentee no European powers would move into the Western Hemisphere.
  • Texas Revolution

    Texas Revolution
    Sam Houston led a rebellion agaisnt the Mexican governemnt due to the institution of unpopular laws.
  • Robert J. Walker's comment

    Robert J. Walker's comment
    Mississippi Senator Robert J Walker is quoted saying, "such a colored mongorl race had no claim to Texas."
  • Annexation of Texas

    Annexation of Texas
    President Polk signs the papers allowing Texas to become the 28th state.
  • Mexican American War

    Mexican American War
    The Mexican American war begins.
  • The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    On this datee the treaty was signed, and it signified the end of the Mexican American war as well as the obtainment of Arizona and other lands to the US government.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    Gadsen Purchase
    THis was the fianl acquisition of land from Mexico, which makes up southern Arizona and New Mexico.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution begins.
  • The end of the Mexican Revolution

    The end of the Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revoluition ends leaving the country in economic turmoil/
  • Arizona Proposition 200

    Arizona Proposition 200
    This act required Arizonians to produce proof of citizenship before voting or applying for public services.
  • Drug Wars

    Drug Wars
    President Felipe Calderon sends 5,000 troops to Juarez to battle the cartels, while the US Department of Homeland Security utilizes the National Gaurd to keep the drug war contained and out of the US
  • Illegal immigrants in Arizona

    Illegal immigrants in Arizona
    On this date, Arizona was estimated to have 460,000 illegal immigrants. This was the main factor in the passage of the SB 1070.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    The "show me your papers" law.