One to One Learning

  • Funding & Budget

    Funding & Budget
    -You have to build and sustain a budget for a one-to-one computing program
    -Think about and address reasons not to continue investing in the programs before they arise
    - Initiative is not cheap and budgeting will be a factor, so
    leasing spreading costs over several years
    -Some districts found savings in its existing budget lines for print textbooks, software, and professional development to help pay for the initiative this school year
  • Infrastructure

    • Everything about your plan has got to be wrapped around that student outcome -You need a mission statement that outlines what else is needed for the program to succeed -Create a road map for how the program will move forward -Realistic expectations -A narrowly-focused set of goals and measures -3 percent loaner devices, batteries, and power adapters of total population of the program -Proper attention that includes a technical-support help desk, loaner tablets, and a reasonable refresh cycle
  • Curriculum

    -Extensive training for students and staff members before the devices are deployed
    -Rely on "Web 2.0 tools" when designing lessons/units that promote hands-on learning
    -Incourage options for online collaboration are increasing every day through Web 2.0 tools
  • Professional Development

    Professional Development
    -Weave technology use into nearly every one of the district’s 10 professional development days and its summer program/s
    -Have hands-on so that any real-world problems come up ahead of time for staff
    -Incorporate brief training sessions at the beginning of each staff meeting
    -Require all users (including staff) to complete a digital citizenship course before receiving a device
    -Require staff to become informed about best practices
    -Encourage staff to attend conferences
  • Monitoring & Evaluation

    Monitoring & Evaluation
    -Survey what’s being used and what is really needed with apps, usage, and implementation with teachers
    -Create and practice using the “HEAT” framwork (“higher-order thinking, engaged learning, authentic connections, technology use”)
    -Survey the stakeholders about what's working and what needs more attention
    -Give a self-evaulations to teachers about their usage of the tablets to promote higher-order thinking skills in the classroms