Olaudah equiano

Olaudah Equiano

  • Birth of Olaudah Equiano, Exact date is not known, only the year is known.

    The exact date of his birth is unknown because he was born in Africa. The only information about his birth is that it was in 1745.
  • Kidnapped and shipped to Virginia by slave traders (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    Olaudah was captured by slave traders at the age of 11 along with his sister. He was then shipped across the Atlantic to Barbados then to Virginia.
  • Sold at Virginia to Royal Navy officer. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known but it takes an average of 2 months for a ship to sail from Africa to America.)

    Olaudah was sold to Lieutenant Michael Pascal who renamed him 'Gustavus Vassa' after the 16th-century Swedish king. Olaudah stayed with Michael for 8 years during which he learnt to read and write and was baptised.
  • Olaudah sold to ship captain. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    After 8 years with Michael, Olaudah was sold at Montserrat to a British ship owner. He was then taken to Montserrat and sold.
  • Sold to merchant Robert King. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    Olaudah was sold to Robert King and worked as a deckhand, valet and barber for a King. After 3 years he had enough money to buy his freedom.
  • Bought his freedom. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    After working for 3 years, Olaudah bought his freedom. He spent the next 20 years travelling the world.
  • Became involved in the abolition of slavery. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    Olaudah was a prominent member of the "Sons of Africa", a group of black men who were abolitionists.
  • Published autobiography. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    Olaudah published his autobiography "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African". He travlled around promoting the book and it helped in the abolition of slavery. Due to its sales Olaudah became rich.
  • Married Susana Cullen. (Exact date is not known, only the year is known.)

    Olaudah married Susana and had 2 daughters.
  • Death

    Olaudah Equiano died.