Nullification crisis

Nullification Crisis

  • Tariff of 1828

    Tariff of 1828
    The Tariff of 1828, also known as the Tariff of Abominations, was passed by Andrew Jackson, which put duties on imported goods, in hope that it would protect the new rise of industry in the northern and western states. The tariff was not well accepted by the South, who now had a higher cost of living from no longer being to buy many foreign goods, and it was the catalyst for the later nullification crisis.
  • South Carolina Exposition and Protest

    South Carolina Exposition and Protest
    The South Carolina Exposition and Protest was written by then Vice President John C. Calhoun, in response to the Tariff of 1828, which he believed was unfair on the South, and created the idea of states being able to nullify federal laws. While at the time nothing quite happened, in later years after the Tariff of 1832, the southern statesmen finally put the doctrine in effect when they created the Ordinance of Nullification.
  • Webster-Hayne Debate

    Webster-Hayne Debate
    Webster-Hayne debate was on the Senate floor between Daniel Webster from Massachusetts and Robert Hayne from South Carolina, which debated over mainly states rights, like the sale of lands and nullification of federal lands. The debate ended with a two-day speech from Webster, who went against Hayne that the U.S. was a nation of sovereign states, but instead a united govt. made by the people to work for people and can be amended by the people, which Webster debated more in the following years.
  • Tariff of 1832

    Tariff of 1832
    The Tariff of 1832 was a tariff made to help solve some of the grievances of South over the Tariff of 1828, and was similar to the Tariff of 1828 with imposing duties on imports. While the Tariff did solve some of the issues the Southern states had problems with by reducing tariffs, the Southern states believed that it was not enough by some southerners, which lead to the Ordinance of Nullification.
  • Ordinance of Nullification

    Ordinance of Nullification
    The Ordinance of Nullification was passed by South Carolina, which declared that the tariffs were unconstitutional, and proclaimed that the tariffs were null and void with the threat of seceding from the Union. The ordinance lead to the questioning on whether states were allowed to nullify federal laws, along with other state's rights like the sale of land and slavery, and the ordinance also caused President Andrew Jackson to respond.
  • Proclamation to the People of South Carolina

    Proclamation to the People of South Carolina
    The Proclamation to the People of South Carolina issued by Andrew Jackson is response to the Ordinance of Nullification, and was made to denounce the the claim that states could nullify a federal law and that the tariffs were unconstitutional. Less than a month before, Jackson had sent a seven small naval vessels to S.C, and the proclamation helped subdue some of the Southerners, with the threat of more military movement and threat of seeing the proclamation as an act of treason.
  • Force Bill

    Force Bill
    The Force Bill was passed by Congress giving the president power to enforce tariffs with the help of the military if the states refuse to follow the order. The Force Bill was signed at the same time as the Compromise Tariff of 1833, and was nullified by South Carolina as a show a of resilience after the retracted the Ordinance of Nullification.
  • Compromise Tariff of 1833

    Compromise Tariff of 1833
    Proposed by Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun, to help subdue both sides of the nullification fight, which found middle ground by proposing that the tariff would remain but would decrease by 1842 to the same tariff amount that was stated in the Tariff of 1816. The compromise was accepted by both of the sides of the fight, instead it was more opposed by the northern states, and was signed at the same time that the Force Bill was signed.
  • Ordinance of Nullification Rescinded

    Ordinance of Nullification Rescinded
    The Ordinance of Nullification was rescinded only 14 days after the Compromise Tariff of 1833 was passed, and both sides felt like they had won the fight over nullification. Only 3 days after rescinding the Ordinance of Nullification, S.C nullified the Force Bill to show that they still believed they were in the right. President Jackson became a beloved figure to nationalist, and Southerns began to see their vulnerability to the Northerners, who were the majority.