
  • Violeta Barrios

    The former president of the country.
  • Giovanda Belli

    A writer and a political activist. Her work inspired lives.
  • General anastasio Somoza

    General anastasio Somoza
    He ordered to have Sandino to be killed.
  • General José Santos Zelaya

    General José Santos Zelaya
    He took control of the country and kept a tense relationship with America.
  • Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    The first European to visit the coast of Central America which could of brought different type of goods for the country.
  • Gil Gonzalez de Avila

    Gil Gonzalez de Avila
    Led the journey to find Nicaragua.
  • Rubin Dario

    A famous poet.
  • Denis Martinez

    The first person from Nicaragua to play Major League Baseball.
  • Augustio Ceaser

    He led groups of poor people in this country to help fight against the US.