New mexico before WW2

  • the calvery

    the calvery
    date not exact This is when the 13th us calvery were stationed in Columbus New Mexico. This is importent because they protected new mexico during several raids on new mexico. including the one made by Pancho Villia
  • The arrest

    The arrest
    This is when the dictator of mexico Madero was arrested. He was arrested by General Victorio . then they took him to a prison in Mexico. This is importent to New Mexico because then mexicans stopped rading our stuff because the economy was so bad there in mexico.
  • The Raid

    The Raid
    This was the date of the raid on Clombus New Mexico by pancho villia. During the raid the Spanish lost 500 men. New mexico lost around 12. This is importnet to New Mexicos history because it showed the importence of maintaining the border.
  • The attack

    The attack
    During this time a small group of Mexicans attacked Armerican troops at Parall. 14 Spanish toops were killed. Only 1 American was killed and only 1 was wounded. This is importnet to New Mexico because without the increased military presence the small town would have been distroyed
  • The act

    The act
    This is when the Natrional Defense act was put into place. This sent all troops in texas and New Mexico in active duty along the border. This was importent to NM because it further protected our borders.
  • The search

    The search
    Not exact date. This is when the militray began searching for Pancho Villia in Mexico. This is the start of when the military used moter vecheles for combat and searching. This is importent for the same reason.
  • The telegram

    The telegram
    date not exact This is when the US intercepted the Zimmerman telegram. The telgram was going from Germany to Mexico asking them to join Germany. If Germany won the war they promised Mexico the land they lost to the US. This is importent because if we had not intercepted the telegram we may have lost New Mexico as a state.
  • The withdraw

    The withdraw
    Date not exact This is when the APE withdrew from mexico and their search for pancho villia. They never found him. This is importent because it showed other crountries not to mess with the US.
  • The assassination

    The assassination
    This is when Madero was assassinated by a unknown person. This is importnet to new mexico because it was one less problem we had to deal with at the time.
  • The arrest

    The arrest
    This is when Lothar Witzke alado known as Pablo Waberski was arrested for accused of being a german spy. Many others began to be assassinated after him. This is impornet because it showed the national government that new mexico was on the side of teh americans.
  • The army attacks

    The army attacks
    This is when 16 american divisions with some tankds from france attacked a german camp. The 1st american gen army was part of this. This inclided the new mexico 13th division and a few others. The germans lost 700 guns and tanks and 15,000 men. We only lost 7,000. this is importnet because the men from new mexico were off defeding our country and saving lives.
  • The attack

    The attack
    Date not exact This is when a German american clash started at the border town of Nogales. This led to the death of 5 americans. This is importent because this was one of the reasons we enetered ww1.
  • The assassination

    The assassination
    This is when Pancho Villa was assassinated. This is impornet because he conducted many raids on new mexico and this made our borders a bit safer.
  • The sentence

    The sentence
    date not exact This is when Lothar Witzke was setenced to life in prison for being a german spy. We later recieved word from germany that we needed to keep their spy in good condition and they would come and get him. This is importnet because it showed we were loyal to the US.
  • The depression

    The depression
    Date not exact
    This is believed start of the the great depression. The great depression is when the economy slumped greatly and the whole country went into termoil. This didnt effect new mexico as much as some areas due to the lack of population and the abundence of working and farming people.
  • The testing

    The testing
    Date not exact
    This is when new mexico began testing diffrent kinds of radio controlled weapons so we didnt have to send so many men into battle. This is very importent to our history. This created newer and better weapons that imporved our chances of victory in the war.
  • The army

    The army
    Date not exact
    This is when the 200th regimen that was stationed at Albuquereque were sent to train other people to fly plaines. Mostly B-17 but there were plenty of others. This is importent because new mexico has a long history of being a military state and this only increased our reputation.
  • The actual test

    The actual test
    date not exact
    This is the first testing of radio controlled autillery shells that were devolped for the war. They were tested at kirtland airforce base in new Mexico. They tested them by suspending planes in the air and using those for targets. This is importent because using this less men had to be sent into dangerous warfeilds.
  • The entering

    The entering
    Date not exact
    This is the date when the US entered WW1. We never planned to enter WW1 but because of the Zimmerman telegram and a few other things we entered. This is importent to New Mexico because our country went to war. So we had to contribute to the war effort.
  • The artillery

    The artillery
    Date not exact. This is when the Battery A, First N.M. Field Artillery from Roswell came into columbus new mexico. This was our first real artillery in the state.
  • The infintry

    The infintry
    Date not exact this is when the The First N.M. Infantry came into NM fully armed and ready to protect New Mexicos border. This was our first infantry in the state.