Neave's Timeline Australian Federation

  • Sir Henry Parkes Speech

    Sir Henry Parkes called for the colonies to form a federal government in a speech at Tenterfeild.
  • Melbourne conference

    Delegates form each of the colonies parliaments met in Melbourne and held a conference to disscuss holding a national convention.
  • First Constitution Convention

    The first National Austrailasion Convention was held in Sydney. Delegates from each colony and from New Zealand came. Sir Edmund Barton was a speeker at the conference.
  • Corowa Conference

    John Quick proposed a three step process to achive a federal constitution.
  • Premiers Conference

    A special premiers conference agrees to hold a new federation
  • Henry Parkes passed away

    Henry Parkes passed away
    Sir Henry Parks known as the "Father of Federation" passes away in Sydney aged 80.
  • Second Peoples Conference

    A second peoples conference in Bathurst, New South Wales, renews calls for another federation convention.
  • 1897-98 Second Constitutional Convention

    From 1897-98 delegates met in Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne to draft a constitution.
  • First Referendum

    Referendums are held in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmainia, South Australia to approve the constitution. Weatern Australia and Queensland did not vote.
  • Second Referendum

    At a secret Premiers meeting changes were made to the proposed contitution and then a second referendum was required. All colonies except WA voted and most people voted "yes" for Federation.
  • Queenslands Vote

    Queensland holds a referendums,voters endorsed the constitution.
  • Constitution Act is Passed

    The British Parliament passes the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
  • Constitution Act signed

    Queen Victoria signs the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
  • Constituion Presented to British Parliament

    The Australian delegates travled to London to present the constitution to the British Parliament.
  • Proclomation

    The Commonwealth of Australia is proclaimed in Centennial Park in Sydney.
  • First Commonwealth Election

    The first Commonwealth election was held. Edmund Barton became Australias first Prime Minister with support from the Australian Labor party.
  • First Parliament Opened

    The Duke of Cornwall and York opened the first Australian Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia in Melbourne.