natrual disastors

  • ise bay japan

    8000 daeths
  • japan

    30000 people died in this very bad earthquakes
  • pordrant

    there was about 60,000 deaths
  • japan

    11-15 meters high
  • Portugal

    the ranking was 3 and it had a magnatude of 8.5
  • Indonesia

    ranking is 1 the volcano killed many
  • japan

    31000 people died
  • chile

    waves were 300 meters high
  • indoenesia

    about 2000 deaths and a magnitude of 8.6
  • indonsia

    the ranking is 2 and very distrustful
  • japan

    the waves reacht a height of 383 meters high
  • Martina

    the ranking was 3 and very loud
  • coumbia

    the ranking was 4 and not the worst
  • idonesia

    this earthquake created waves up to 50 meters high. it was 9.1 on a richer scale
  • Sumatra Indonesia

    the ranking was 1 and it had a magnatude of 9.1 and 230000 people died
  • japan

    the damages added up $235 billion and it was a 9.0 on a richer scale
  • japan

    the ranking was 2 and it had a magnitude of 9