Siouxchiefs 300

Native American Timeline of Events: the diminishment of a race

  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    In 1830, president Jackson submitted a bill to Congress which called for the removal of Indian tribes in the East, to lands West of the Mississippi. Within the next decade, thousands of Indians were forcably removed from their lands. The "Trail of Tears" was the name given to this forced relocation of these tribes to Oklahoma because of its devastating effects. These included hunger, and disease. But the American's saw no problem in this, as they wanted the lands which were occupied by tthem,
  • Movement of Americans though Indian lands

    Movement of Americans though Indian lands
    The 1840's marked the beginnings of westward movement of Americans along the Oregon Trail through the lands occupied by the Indians. At first most encounters sparked confusion, and even truces including trade. Other encounters were not so friendly and ended in violence, disease, and death.
  • Start of the American Civil War.

    Start of the American Civil War.
    The Civil War was faught on U.S. land when 11 southern slave states declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of America while the other states supported the federal government (the Union). After four years of war the South surrendered and slavery was outlawed.
  • Mass Buffalo Slaughter

    Mass Buffalo Slaughter
    Throughout the period of westward movment, the rate of killing buffalo for sport rose dramatically! The problem with this was the incredible value placed on the buffalo by the Indians. They used the buffalo for food, shelter, clothing, and even as a source of their religion. The disappearance of the buffalo would change their lives forever.
  • Treaty of 1868

    Treaty of 1868
    In the spring of 1868 a conference was held that resulted in the Sioux Treaty. This treaty was meant to settle disputes between the whites. The signing of this treaty guaranteed the Lakota the Black Hills and hunting rights in South Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana until the buffalo were gone. The treaty also stated the no white were allowed along the premesis unless it was OK with the Indians.
  • Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

    Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad
    With westward migration at its peaks, the railroad was a clear choice for the transport of goods and for trade. The railroad didn't just fulfill that duty though, it created new pathes, and in return new migration patterns of the buffalo. This ultimatly effected the Indian tribes, as it altered the ways in which they now had to hunt.
  • Gold Found in the Black Hills

    Gold Found in the Black Hills
    Gold was found by Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer and his troops on an expedition through the Black Hills. Word spread so fast of 'vast amounts of gold' that in no time, the treaty of 1868 was completely disreguarded (in reguards to no American trespassing) and the Black Hills were in almost complete occupation by the whites of the Indian hunting grounds.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    White officials had become alarmed with the Ghost Dance's and saw them as the cause of unproductivity (but also hope) to the Indians. As they rallied up the indials to dis arm them, shots were fired and apx. 200 people (mainly Indian women and children) were murdered.