Native American Timeline

  • Native American Timeline

    American and Mexican settlers, and traders who speculated on the supplies that were promised to the reservations.conflict often arose as a result of Apache raids.
  • Native American Timeline

    Hunt met William Sharpless Jackson, a wealthy banker and railroad executive. Helen Hunt began writing after the deaths of her family members.
  • Native American Timeline

    Native American Timeline
    women, children, and old men who were slaughtered.a large group of the Colorado Cheyenne and Arapaho gathered at Fort Lyon, generally.
  • Red Cloud's War

    June 13, 1866 Negotiations continued to lose number of Indian leaders. The United States government expressed optimism that the treaty would be successful in keeping the peace.
  • Red River War

    January 1, 1874
    This was the first battle that the United State Army and the Plains Indians. The Indians attack at the Walls may be considered the official begininng of the Red River War.
  • Native American Timeline

    Reno attacked but found that he faced much larger odds that he at first anticipated. He had to retreat back across the Big Horn River.The Battle of Little Big Horn has been referred to as Custer’s Last Stand. Historians now also view it as the Native Americans last stand as well.
  • Native American Timeline

    Native American Timeline
    Congress passed the Dawes Act, named for its author, Senator Henry Dawes of Massachusetts The purpose of the Dawes Act and the subsequent acts that extended its initial provisions was purportedly to protect Indian property rights.
  • Native American Timeline

    The army intercepted the band on December 28 and brought them to the edge of the Wounded Knee to camp.Troop 'K' was drawn up between the tents of the women and children.