Plains indians 6

Native American rights in America

  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    In 1836, the federal government drove the Creeks from their land. 15,000 Creeks were drove from their homes and forced to move. 3,500 of the Creeks did not survive the journey,By 1938 only around 2000 Cherokees had left their homes. In response to their will to stay, president Martin Van Buren sent 7000 troops to oversee the eviction. They marched thousands of Indians for more then 1000 miles. It is estimated that 5000 Cherokees died.
    History .com
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    The Dawes Act was the most common method of requiring citizenship for Native Americans. Supporters of the Dawes Act not only wanted to destory Indian reservations but to open them up for white settlement.
  • Battle of Wounded Knee

    Battle of Wounded Knee
    In the early hours of December 29, 1890, the Sioux chief Big Foot and his 350 followers settled on the bank of wounded Knee creek. Surrounding their camp was a group of U.S. troops with the responsibility of arresting Big Foot and disarming his warriors. A brutal massacre followed, in which it’s estimated 200 Indians were killed , nearly half of them women and children. The cavalry lost 25 men.
  • Termination Policy

    Termination Policy
    The purpose Indian Termination Policy was to assimilate the Native Americans as individuals into the mainstream western civilization. It granted all the rights of citizneship to the native americans but it also ended freedom and sovernity among the tribe. The policy also made Native Americans pay taxes and deal witht the state laws, which they were exempt from. Some of the strongest supporters of the policy compared it to the Emacipation Proclamation.
  • AIM Established

    AIM Established
    The Indian Movement was founded in 1968 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by Geroge Mitchell, Dennis Banks. The goal of the Group was orignally to help Native Americans in ghettos that had once lived on reservations. There goal changed quickly to help the Indian Society, like slum housing, protection, and tradtional culture.
  • Occupation of Alcatraz

    Occupation of Alcatraz
    Native Americans took control of Alcatraz island and held it as Native American territory. The takeover lasted 14 months and only ended when the Native Americans were forcibly removed by the federal government. The Occupation of Alcatraz brought international attention to Native Americans and sparked over 200 instances of civil disobedience among Native Americans. Some call the occupation as "The cradel of the modern Native American civil rights movement".
  • Occupation of Wounded Knee

    Occupation of Wounded Knee
    In November of 1963, members of AIM took over the town Wounded Knee. The day after the occupation, AIM members exhanged gunfire with federal agents. Russell Means began negotiations for the release of the hostages, demanding that the U.S. Senate launch an investigation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs and all Sioux reservations in South Dakota. The occupation lasted for 71 days, and 2 Sioux men were shot to death.