
Native American Conflicts

  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre
    Whies and african americans from the union troops went to the west to take control of the indians. The soilders could claim any "horses or other plunder" from them. The planes indians joined fores to fight off the white settlement
  • Ft. Laramine Treaty

    Ft. Laramine Treaty
    The purpose of the treaty was to gain land and pacify the Sioux . The government agreed to abandon three forts and not build a road threw there territory. The sioux had to agree to support the government and live on a reservation
  • Battle of Little Big Horn

    Battle of Little Big Horn
    The passion for gold led to the defeat of indians that lived in the northern planes. The black hills gold rush of 1875 drew people onto Sioux hunting grounds in Montana and the Dakotas
  • The Nez Perce are lead to Canada by Chief Joseph

    The Nez  Perce are lead to Canada by Chief Joseph
    The federal gvernment moved the Nez Perce' to a smaller area of land to make room for white settlers. Many of them were Christians and settled down to become succesful horse and cattle breaders. They had a great deal to loose but had pride in themselves.
  • The Carlisle School was established

    The Carlisle School was established
    The school was given grants from the U.S while it was being built to support education of the indians.bThe school did not last a long time and closed in 1918
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    It replaced the Reservatoin System with an Allotment System. Each family of indians were granted a hundred and sixty acre area of farmland. The size was based on experience and how much support the family needed.
  • The Battle of Wounded Knee

    The Battle of Wounded Knee
    Troops went to confiscate possible weapons in the Lakota Camp. 25 millitia were killed and 150 indians were killed. An accidental shot of Black Coyote's gun began the Massacre