my US history timeline

  • The United States Acquires Alaska

    An early supporter of american expansion was William Seward. In 1967, Seward arranged for the U.S. to buy Alaska from Russians for 7.2 million. Seward had some trouble persuading the House of Representatives to aprove funding fpr the purchase.
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  • Rockefeller and the Robber Barons

    Rockfeller`s standard oil company produced about 2-3 percent of the countrys crude oil. In just 10 years he controlled 90 percent of the the countries refinning business. Rockefeller drove competitors out of the business by sellin his oil lower then the price to produce it.

    Railroads workers from the baltimore and ohio railroads struck a protest becuase of the second wage cut intwo months. The stoppage spread to other lines causing most frieght and even some passenger traffic lines were stopped for over a week. Finally president rutherford B. Hayes sent federal troops to end the strike.

    In 1883 railroads across the country synchronized their watches. This international confrence set worldwide time zones that incorporated railroad time. However the US didnt adopt railroad time untill 1918.
  • War Fever Escalates

    Spain responded to the Cuban revolt by sending General Valeriano Weyler to Cuba to restore order. Weyler tried to crush the rebellion by herding the entire rural population of central and western cuba into barbed wire concentration camps. Here civilian could not give aid to the rebels.
  • Cuba and the United States

    When the United Sates declared war against spain it recognized Cuba`s independence from spain. It also passed the Teller Amendment, which stated that the United States had no intention of taking over any part of cuba. The Treaty of Paris, which ended the war, further guaranteed cuba the independence that its nationalist leaders had been damanding for years.
  • Texas Oil Boom

    In the 1900 two men pattillo higgins and Anthony F. Lucas found investors willing to drill that autumn. After months of difficult, frustrating work, the oil finally gushed from their wells on january 10, 1901. The Texas oil boom had begun.
  • The impact of U.S Territorial Gains

    Republican William McKinley a reluctant but cionfirmed imperialist was elected to a second term.The election went against a democrat William Jennings Bryan who staunchly opposed imperialism. The reelection confirmed that most americans favored McKinleys policies.
  • The Fighting starts

    The Fighting starts
    Germany invaded Belgium, followed by a strategy know as the Schlieffen Pllan. This plan included holding against russia, combined with a quick drive through Belgium to Paris. The 2 german armies would defeat russia.
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    World war 1

  • The War Hits Home

    The War Hits Home
    Mst americans favored victory for the Allies rather then central power. Around 1917, america had mobilized for war against the central powers for 2 reasons. One being to ensure allied repayment f depts to the united states and two being to prevent the germans form threating U.S. shipping.
  • Anerica Turns the Tide

    Anerica Turns the Tide
    German U-boat attacks merchants ships in the atlantic were a serous threat to the allied war effort. Amercian Vice convinced the british to try the convoy system. Around fall the ship loss has cut in half.

    Adolf Hitler took over germany and created a mess. Everyone followed him because he was such a powerful speaker and tried to bring germany out of chaos.

    Adolf Hitler had followed a path to power similar to mussolini's. At the end of World War I, Hitler had been a jobless soldier drifting around germany. In 1919, he joined a struggling group called the National Socialist German Workers' party, better known as the Nazi Party. Despite its name, this party had no ties to socialism but hitler quickly became a leader. He promised to bring germany out of chaos.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    On October 29, Black Tuesday the bottom fell out of the market and the nations confidence. Every seller tried to get rid of belongings before the prices plunged even lower. The number of shares dropped drastically on a record of 16.4 million.
  • Hoover Disbands The Army

    Hoover Disbands The Army
    Nervous that the angry group could get violent, President Hoover decided that bonus Army should be disbanned. Soon after General Douglas MacArthur and his aide Major Dwight Eisenhower , came to roust the veterans. A official watching from a nearby office recalled what happen next.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    This act established codes of fair practices for individual indusries and for promoting industrial growth.
  • Jews Targeted

    Although jews were not the only target of the holocaust, they were the cebter of the Nazis' targets. The Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews of their german citizenship, jobs, and property. To make it easier for the Nazis to identify them, Jews had to wear a bright yellow star of David attached to their clothing.
  • Union With Austria

    Austria was Hitlers first target. The majority of Austria's 6 million people were germans who favored unification with Germany. German troops marched into Austria unopposed. A day later, Germany announced that its Anschluss, or "union", with Austria was complete.
  • The Axis Threat

    The U.S crash and carry policy began to look too little too late. France had fallen and Britain was under siege. On September 27 Americans were jolted bby the news that Germany, Italy, and Japan had signed a mutual defense treaty.