My Life Line

  • I was born

  • Period: to

    My Life Line

  • 911

  • Switzerland, traditionally a neutral country, joins the United Nations.

  • Only three days after a previous record, Sherpa Lakpa Gelu climbs Mount Everest in 10 hours 56 minutes. The tourism ministry of Nepal confirms this record in July that year.

  • A Swedish DC-3 shot down by a Russian MiG-15 in the 1950s is finally recovered after years of work. The remains of the crew are left in place, pending further investigations.Mar 19th - 3-19 Shooting Incident: Taiwanese president Chen Shui-bian is shot ju

  • Landing of the Huygens probe on Saturn's moon Titan.

  • Sydney, Australia swelters through its hottest New Years Day on record. The thermometre peaked at 45 degrees celsius, sparking bushfires and power outages.

  • Smoking in England is banned in all public indoor spaces.

  • Obama becomes President

  • Michael Jackson died

  • Suicide car bomb detonates at a volleyball tournament in Lakki Marwat, Pakistan, killing 105 and injuring 100

  • 5.8 earthquake occurrs in Mineral, Virginia felt as far north as Ontario and as far south as Atlanta, Georgia

  • Iam 12 years old