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Mohandas K. Gandhi

  • Mohandas Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India

    Mohandas Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India
  • Ghandi leaves for England to study law.

    Ghandi leaves for England to study law.
  • Ghandi is arrested and sentenced to two months in prison.

    Ghandi is arrested and sentenced to two months in prison.
  • Ghandi is arrested again and spends a month in prison.

    Ghandi is arrested again and spends a month in prison.
  • Gandhi and Smuts, the Prime Minister of the Transvaal, reach an agreement that ends the protests. 

    Gandhi and Smuts, the Prime Minister of the Transvaal, reach an agreement that ends the protests. 
  • Indians in Natal and Transvaal, march under Ghandi's leadership, in a peaceful protest of a racist poll tax and marriage laws.

    Indians in Natal and Transvaal, march under Ghandi's leadership, in a peaceful protest of a racist poll tax and marriage laws.
  • ·Gandhi returns home to India, and receives a hero's welcome. 

    ·Gandhi returns home to India, and receives a hero's welcome. 
  • Amritsar Massacre; Under General Dyer, British troops slaughter Indian protesters. 

    Amritsar Massacre; Under General Dyer, British troops slaughter Indian protesters. 
  • Gandhi calls for a period of non-cooperation across India. 

    Gandhi calls for a period of non-cooperation across India. 
  • ·Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India. 

    ·Gandhi publishes the Declaration of Independence of India. 
  • Gandhi is arrested for violating the Salt Laws; non-cooperation movements break out across India

    Gandhi is arrested for violating the Salt Laws; non-cooperation movements break out across India
  • Gandhi is released from the Aga Khan's palace.

    Gandhi is released from the Aga Khan's palace.
  • British Cabinet Mission publishes proposal for an Indian state, without partition; Jinnah and the Muslim League reject the proposal. 

    British Cabinet Mission publishes proposal for an Indian state, without partition; Jinnah and the Muslim League reject the proposal. 
  • Indian independence becomes official, as does the partition into two countries, India and Pakistan. 

    Indian independence becomes official, as does the partition into two countries, India and Pakistan. 
  • Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, a Hindu nationalist. 

    Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Vinayuk Godse, a Hindu nationalist.