
Mohandas Gandhi

  • Gandhi's Birthday

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, a coastal town.His birthday, 2 October, is commemorated in India as Gandhi Jayanti, a national holiday, and worldwide as the International Day of Non-Violence
  • Gandhi's moves in

    Gandhi moves with his family to Rajkot, India.
  • Gets Married

    Gandhi gets married at the age of thirteen to Kasturba Makanji.
  • Gandi Sails

    Gandhi sails to England so that he can study law.
  • Gandi practices law.

    Gandhi returns to India and begins to practice law.
  • Gandhi's law office

    Gandhi decides to open a law office in Johannesberg, South Africa.
  • The Protest

    Gandhi organizes his first protest against anti-Indian laws in South Africa .
  • Imprisoned

    Gandhi is imprisoned in South Africa.
  • Returning

    Gandhi finally returns to India.
  • Jailed

    After a big trial, Gandhi is sentenced to six years in jail.
  • Breaking the law

    Gandhi has to go to jail for breaking India's Salt Laws.
  • Untouchables

    Gandhi fasts to protest treatment of Untouchables.
  • IVIA

    Gandhi launches the All Indian Village Industries Association.
  • The New Movement!

    Gandhi begins the nationwide "Quit India" movement.
  • Gandi Gets Assassinated!!

    On January 30, Gandhi is killed at a prayer meeting in Dehli