Module 4: Identification Changes

  • The Behaivor Rating Profile

    Rating scales for teacher, student, and parents. Ecological evaluation of student's behaviors that is standardized, reliable, valid, and norm-referenced. Student scales rate home behaivors and situation, schoool behaviors, and interpersoanl skills and relationships. Teacher scale focuses on behaviors typically observed in the school setting. Parents scale focuses on behaviors at home.
  • The Waksman Social Skills Rating Scale

    Ratings compare the target student with a normative sample for identification or classification purpose. Two behavior domains are aggressive and passive.
  • EBD Eligibiltiy Checklist

    Oregon Department of Education developed a checklist to assist educators in considering eligibiltiy for students as EBD.
  • Hoover and Collier

    Hoover and Collier suggest that the relationship between school-related behaviors and cultural customs needs to be understood to conduct valid behavior assessments.
  • Social Skills Rating System

    Focuses on social behaivors that are relevant to successful interpersonal and academic functioning. Used with preschool through high school, forms for teachers, parents and students. Computer scoring program.
  • Conners's Teacher Rating Scale and Conners's Parent Rating Scale

    use by parents and teachers for children ages 3-17; provides a comparison of the child to levels of appropriate normative groups.
  • Walker and McConnell's Scale of Social Competence and School Adjustment

    norm referenced scales that compair both elementary and adolescent versions. Elementary version measures peer-related, interpersonal social skills, and adaptive behavior. Adolescent version measures self-control, peer relations, school adjustment, and empathy.
  • McIntyre

    Cognitive style is defined by McIntyre as "the way in which one acquires, processes/analyes, and displays knowledge"
    Developed the Cultural Mismath Whirlpools; which is the mismatch between teaching practices and cogntive styles.
  • Vazquez-Nuttal

    Vazzuez-Nuttal and her colleagues selected measures that are used to assess emotional disturbances in students from various cultural and linguistic backgrounds include Minnesota Multiphasic Personalitly Inventory - 2, Conners's Parent and Teacher Rating Scales, Children's Attention and Adjustment Survey, Teh Quay-Perterson Behavior Problem Checklist, and Personality Inventory for Children.
  • IDEA 97

    IDEA 97 : federal definition of emotional disturbances. This definition lists characteristics and students must exhibit one or more over a long period of time to a marked degree to be considered as having an emotional behavioral disorder.
  • Behavior Assessment System for Children

    Multimethod, multidimensional approach to evaluation of student's behaivors and perceptions. Five components: self-report, parent rating scale, teacher rating scale, developmental history, and classrom observation. *Spanish Edition Available
  • Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale

    Identifies a student's emotional and behavior strengths in five domains: interperosnal strengths, family involvement, intrapersonal strengths, school functioning, and affective strengths.
  • Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

    PBIS conferences began
  • IDEA